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Stop mt4 terminal update on WinServer 2012
May 21, 2017 at 07:54
Apr 18, 2017 부터 멤버
Yes, sometimes it’s really irritating to face auto update system on Mt4 trading platform! But I have no objection at all! Actually, Mt4 trading platform is my favorite and I am not interested on others trading platform! In addition, I see stopping auto update feature creates chart freezing and others technical problems!
May 26, 2017 at 06:11
Aug 09, 2016 부터 멤버
So if you wish to stop the MT4 updates happening automatically, put this option on the end of your startup options for MT4
here are the properties from my test MT4 instance.
"C:\Users\test\AppData\Roaming\OANDA - MetaTrader\terminal.exe" /skipupdate
Hope that helps and happy trading!
here are the properties from my test MT4 instance.
"C:\Users\test\AppData\Roaming\OANDA - MetaTrader\terminal.exe" /skipupdate
Hope that helps and happy trading!
May 28, 2017 at 07:31
Feb 22, 2011 부터 멤버
Wulfie posted:
does anybody know how to stop terminal updates of mt4 on a WinServer2012. On Win7, 10 it works when I set UAC to always notify (high), but this is not working for my VPS.
Maybe somebody knows a solution. I appreciate your answers!
Delete the update folder
rmdir c:\ProgramData\MetaQuotes\Webinstall /q /s
rmdir C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Webinstall /q /s
or run script that will remove it automatically

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