Trading for income and taxes

Mar 04, 2015 at 08:11
579 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Jan 22, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물6
Mar 04, 2015 at 08:11
Hi All,

I was just wondering if anyone is in a position to answer a few questions about making an income from trading.
Like many of you I would like to make an modest income from my forex trading and, although I understand I am nowhere near ready for that yet, I was interested if any of you are already in such a position as I would, ultimately, like to be.
I am a British expat working in Hong Kong and would like to remain as an expat, although I'm not too bothered about where.
If I was in a foreign country and making an income from trading with, say, an Aussie broker, where would I be expected to pay taxes on my income?
This is assuming that I am not working in the country I am living (visa issues aside).
Would it depend on where I hold the bank account that I am funding my trading account with? Does it matter which country my broker is in?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Jan 04, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물43
Mar 10, 2015 at 05:57
I dont think you need to pay taxes for your income from trading.
maybe except if you are us citizen or something.
i dont think they can track it.especially if you transfer it to your bank least i never pay any taxes from my trading income.
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