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Warning!! Account wiped out by a Hack in Metatrader
May 01, 2017 at 11:25
May 01, 2017 부터 멤버
Hello guys, I want to warn all of you that there is a hack out there called "Anticapitalist" that when it detects operations in metatrader it gets in it to wipe out the account.
My account of 65.000 EUR in Pepperstone was wiped out for this hack. I claimed to Pepperstone but they said to me that it is my responsability for not having any antivirus software. PLEASE, BE CAREFULL WITH THIS HACK.
My account of 65.000 EUR in Pepperstone was wiped out for this hack. I claimed to Pepperstone but they said to me that it is my responsability for not having any antivirus software. PLEASE, BE CAREFULL WITH THIS HACK.
May 01, 2017 at 11:47
Jun 08, 2014 부터 멤버
Often , the best trade is no trade at all
May 02, 2017 at 09:13
May 01, 2017 부터 멤버
It is not about withdrawal , it is about "hack", because I tried to open demo accounts in other brokers and happend the same.
I downloaded EA´s from a Russian forums and I should have gotten a virus.
Be carefull with Russian Forum, and their EA´s, you could lose all your money.
I downloaded EA´s from a Russian forums and I should have gotten a virus.
Be carefull with Russian Forum, and their EA´s, you could lose all your money.
Jan 10, 2016 부터 멤버
May 02, 2017 at 10:02
Jun 08, 2014 부터 멤버
Norman66 posted:
Hi Benjamin, just what I said, this "hack" get into my account and in few minutes made all my money dissapear, I couldn´stop it.
My funds were lost for this hack, it opened plenty of operations and I lost all my money.
Please, be carefull,
Where did your money go to ? your funds should not be disappeared , unless they were withdrawn by someone.
Often , the best trade is no trade at all
May 02, 2017 at 11:54
May 11, 2011 부터 멤버
tranle447 posted:Norman66 posted:
Hi Benjamin, just what I said, this "hack" get into my account and in few minutes made all my money dissapear, I couldn´stop it.
My funds were lost for this hack, it opened plenty of operations and I lost all my money.
Please, be carefull,
Where did your money go to ? your funds should not be disappeared , unless they were withdrawn by someone.
Sounds like a forced margin call (opened many trades [operations]). Also sounds to me like it's not a virus but ran an untested (or tested on live account) issue. ("I downloaded EA´s from a Russian forums")
If you download and use an EA and don't test it on demo account first, it's your own stupidity.
I created a similar EA by accident once, had close bracket in wrong place and my open order was within a for loop, opened a trade on every tick... sounds like the same thing but released on purpose.
For every loss there should be at least an equal and opposite profit.
May 03, 2017 at 06:13
Jun 10, 2016 부터 멤버
Norman66 posted:
What "hack" do you mean? Do you have any screenshots? Do you have any explanations how it was happen?
Provide the exact name of EA and where did you download it.
PS. And be careful of russian hackers they will get all your money :)))))
Life is Game. Play it! Life is Love. Enjiy it!
May 03, 2017 부터 멤버
May 05, 2017 at 06:32
May 01, 2017 부터 멤버
it is a warning for all of you, there are some hack that detect any platform of trading, and work for wipe out your money, and you can´t stop it.
My money just were lost by bad trading, and very fast.
Be careful please, take all preventions you can, if you don´t want to loose your money.
My money just were lost by bad trading, and very fast.
Be careful please, take all preventions you can, if you don´t want to loose your money.
May 05, 2017 at 06:33
May 01, 2017 부터 멤버
ram108 posted:Norman66 posted:
What "hack" do you mean? Do you have any screenshots? Do you have any explanations how it was happen?
Provide the exact name of EA and where did you download it.
PS. And be careful of russian hackers they will get all your money :)))))
Hi ram108, I have not any screenshots, just hack detect platforms and get into and start to operate very fast opening/closing til you loose your money, and the worse you can see and you can´t stop it, I mean, you are seeing how your money is beeing wiped out
The name of hack is "anticapitalist", .. I heard out there that affect at any platform, ninjatrader for example.
I suppose hack came into of one of them.. Careful if you don´t want to loose your money like I suffered.
May 05, 2017 at 09:54
Jul 01, 2015 부터 멤버
Norman66 posted:
Hack detect platforms and get into and start to operate very fast opening/closing til you loose your money, and the worse you can see and you can´t stop it, I mean, you are seeing how your money is beeing wiped out
I'm sitting here with a facepalm, literally. 🙄
Why didn't You shutdown your device that "hacked" platform was on ? Just turn off Your PC or Laptop or even VPS Server, your internet connection router, immediatly and thats it.
You just sit and watch trades beeing opened and closed, bleeding out your money ? Why ?
You trolling everyone here or it is something else, but your story doesn't make any sense.

May 05, 2017 at 11:00
Feb 22, 2011 부터 멤버
tranle447 posted:
The message is not about hacking someone account.
It is denial of service. So during such attack broker server is not available.
It is up to broker to protect its server (like any other) against these type of attack.
May 05, 2017 at 11:21
May 11, 2011 부터 멤버
So this is what I've come up with so far:
Norman66 and simonbet (babypips) seem to be the only ones affected.
simonbet refers to a malware in an EA (alrighty then!).
A link from 2016 provided, that is not a hack, but a DOS specific to brokers (ie. Not applicable to the discussion).
I have gone out of my way to search for information on this "anticapitalist" virus, malware, adware, hack... found nothing.
I have attempted to source the EA from around the world, Russia and Mars... I found nothing.
If you have the EA, please zip it to megaupload and provide the link, I would like to prod and probe this thing. If not, then I would have to conclude that this doesn't exist (trolling), or that you downloaded a trash EA and ran it without testing (idiot! - not an insult, I have done many "idiot" things myself, only I know what I did and how stupid I was, I don't blame hackers for my "dumb moments" :-D).
Norman66 and simonbet (babypips) seem to be the only ones affected.
simonbet refers to a malware in an EA (alrighty then!).
A link from 2016 provided, that is not a hack, but a DOS specific to brokers (ie. Not applicable to the discussion).
I have gone out of my way to search for information on this "anticapitalist" virus, malware, adware, hack... found nothing.
I have attempted to source the EA from around the world, Russia and Mars... I found nothing.
If you have the EA, please zip it to megaupload and provide the link, I would like to prod and probe this thing. If not, then I would have to conclude that this doesn't exist (trolling), or that you downloaded a trash EA and ran it without testing (idiot! - not an insult, I have done many "idiot" things myself, only I know what I did and how stupid I was, I don't blame hackers for my "dumb moments" :-D).
For every loss there should be at least an equal and opposite profit.

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