pip value in $ vs margin cost...

May 01, 2011 at 13:07
1,160 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Apr 01, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물61
May 01, 2011 at 13:07
Hey everyone,

I was just wondering what everyone's take on the varying pip values vs margin cost, for example if i trade a volume of .8 with the AUD/USD it costs me (with leverage of 500:1) $175.47 in margin and 1 pip is worth $8,

if i were to be following say, USD/CHF the same volume .8 costs me (500:1) $160 in margin and 1 pip is worth $9.25.

that extra $1.25 would reduce the number of pips needed to hit financial targets? and if the work is the same to analyze either chart why not go with the one that costs less to open and gives more profit?

answers on a postcar... nm!

its all down hill from here!
Apr 04, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물23
May 03, 2011 at 11:51 (편집됨 May 03, 2011 at 11:53)
Different pairs - different fates. This is especially true for */USD with USD/*.
But if you trade against USD, than why not?
Carry on!
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