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Why are overnight swaps so different between brokers?
Oct 29, 2023 at 08:22
Oct 26, 2023 부터 멤버
I have checked swap pricing and the differences are tremendous: https://www.myfxbook.com/forex-broker-swaps
Further away from most common pairs, the worse it is. Some are 20x higher than others, in some cases rates are negative for some broker-dealers and positive for others... There is no indication on for how long such swap rates could persist and how often do they change. This also leads to huge swap rate manipulation possibility by brokers as it seems they have free hand in setting those to their liking without any restrictions. Am I missing something here?
Further away from most common pairs, the worse it is. Some are 20x higher than others, in some cases rates are negative for some broker-dealers and positive for others... There is no indication on for how long such swap rates could persist and how often do they change. This also leads to huge swap rate manipulation possibility by brokers as it seems they have free hand in setting those to their liking without any restrictions. Am I missing something here?
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