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EA or script idea
Nov 17, 2010 at 13:53
Jan 17, 2010 부터 멤버
I'm playing with the idea of changing my target automatically when I target a moving average, like 10ema. When I place a trade and I'm in, I'd like to change my target with every candle, after candle closed I want to change my target for the value of the moving average for the last (closed) candle
I'm not a programmer and I have no idea how could I do this with an EA or a script,
I need some adjustable variables like,
-period of moving average
-type of moving average (smooth, weighted, etc,...)
-applied to close (or changable)
When I entered in a trade I just wanna drag it to my chart like an EA or an indicator
I hope it's clear and easy to understand and somebody could help me with this
thank you very much
I wish everyone loads of pips :)
I'm playing with the idea of changing my target automatically when I target a moving average, like 10ema. When I place a trade and I'm in, I'd like to change my target with every candle, after candle closed I want to change my target for the value of the moving average for the last (closed) candle
I'm not a programmer and I have no idea how could I do this with an EA or a script,
I need some adjustable variables like,
-period of moving average
-type of moving average (smooth, weighted, etc,...)
-applied to close (or changable)
When I entered in a trade I just wanna drag it to my chart like an EA or an indicator
I hope it's clear and easy to understand and somebody could help me with this
thank you very much
I wish everyone loads of pips :)
Always look on the bright side of life ...
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