Date Filter on Magic Numbers and Symbols 개의 투표 결과

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Date Filter on Magic Numbers and Symbols 토론

Feb 20 at 05:17
405 개의 뷰
4 Replies
Sep 17, 2015 부터 멤버   게시물10
Feb 20 at 05:17
Currently, the custom analysis date filter doesn't apply to 'Magic Numbers and 'Symbols' tabs. This makes the Analysis by magic number impossible for EA traders who have used more than 200 Magic over the lifetime of the account.

I suggest applying the function (Date filter) that is already there on the custom analysis, to the 'Magic' and 'Symbols' tabs for all EA/Robot traders who have used many Magic over the many years of their accounts.

첨부 파일:

Aug 07, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물21
Feb 20 at 08:14
TonyAguib posted:
Currently, the custom analysis date filter doesn't apply to 'Magic Numbers and 'Symbols' tabs. This makes the Analysis by magic number impossible for EA traders who have used more than 200 Magic over the lifetime of the account.

I suggest applying the function (Date filter) that is already there on the custom analysis, to the 'Magic' and 'Symbols' tabs for all EA/Robot traders who have used many Magic over the many years of their accounts.
This dont help, i have test this already, is always same as before
Sep 17, 2015 부터 멤버   게시물10
Feb 20 at 21:05
wroeckert posted:
TonyAguib posted:
Currently, the custom analysis date filter doesn't apply to 'Magic Numbers and 'Symbols' tabs. This makes the Analysis by magic number impossible for EA traders who have used more than 200 Magic over the lifetime of the account.

I suggest applying the function (Date filter) that is already there on the custom analysis, to the 'Magic' and 'Symbols' tabs for all EA/Robot traders who have used many Magic over the many years of their accounts.
This dont help, i have test this already, is always same as before
I have contacted support and they replied that the date filter currently doesn't apply to Magic and Symbols and that's why I created this new suggestion for change.

 If the change is implemented, setting a date filter will omit old Magic numbers. This will solve the problem and that's why we vote here.

We currently only have 2 votes. If many people vote for this change, Myfxbook will implement the change. This is how the suggestion works.
Feb 14, 2024 부터 멤버   게시물2
Mar 04 at 19:14
How did you contacted support? I can´t find any place on the webpage to send a ticket to Support, thanks
Goal: monthly 5% profit
Sep 17, 2015 부터 멤버   게시물10
Mar 05 at 04:53
RobertoTr4d3r posted:
How did you contacted support? I can´t find any place on the webpage to send a ticket to Support, thanks
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