A toggle for stats on 'sequences' and not just trades 개의 투표 결과
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A toggle for stats on 'sequences' and not just trades 토론
Jul 26, 2010 at 07:40
Jul 21, 2010 부터 멤버
This a great service for traders, thank you! 😄
My suggestion is an improvement in the reporting for trades - an option to report it slightly differently, perhaps toggling between two styles.
While some traders might place one trade at a time, many also like to scale in and out of trades. At present, adding units/lots to an existing trade is counted as another trade for reporting purposes, as is taking units off.
In my own spreadsheets, i don't count trades but 'sequences'. A sequence could last for the entire day and have multiple adds and trims, or there could be a sequence for each and every trade. For instance, if I sell 5x on the open, cover 2 at 2hrs in, then sell-buy and sell-buy the two a couple more times over the day while always retaining my original 3 lots from the open, this is one sequence. Alternatively i sell 5 on the open, then buy back 10 to reverse my position. This is another sequence as the direction of the pair changed.
Specifically, the first trade after a period of time when the account has had no position in a particular pair, signals the start of a new sequence. That sequence exists until the account is once again having no position in the pair or the direction changes.
Many thanks for considering this improvement.😐
My suggestion is an improvement in the reporting for trades - an option to report it slightly differently, perhaps toggling between two styles.
While some traders might place one trade at a time, many also like to scale in and out of trades. At present, adding units/lots to an existing trade is counted as another trade for reporting purposes, as is taking units off.
In my own spreadsheets, i don't count trades but 'sequences'. A sequence could last for the entire day and have multiple adds and trims, or there could be a sequence for each and every trade. For instance, if I sell 5x on the open, cover 2 at 2hrs in, then sell-buy and sell-buy the two a couple more times over the day while always retaining my original 3 lots from the open, this is one sequence. Alternatively i sell 5 on the open, then buy back 10 to reverse my position. This is another sequence as the direction of the pair changed.
Specifically, the first trade after a period of time when the account has had no position in a particular pair, signals the start of a new sequence. That sequence exists until the account is once again having no position in the pair or the direction changes.
Many thanks for considering this improvement.😐
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