1MinuteDaily-Automated (에 의해 oshaban)
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1MinuteDaily-Automated 토론
May 22, 2015 at 10:13
Sep 16, 2009 부터 멤버
Well known 1MinuteDaily Breakout startegy is as not working any more. But, Here I fully automate it and modified some of it's rules and pushed it to success in an excellent easy way :) ... At least to till now.
Let us see till the end of month to give my primarily judge about it.
Let us see till the end of month to give my primarily judge about it.
... oshaban ... skype: oshaban27 ...
May 27, 2015 at 19:41
Sep 16, 2009 부터 멤버
Honestly, I coded the EA few weeks ago, put it on server, I said, let it go for a while and later see how things will go.
I knew that there are few rules of 1MinuteDaily original strategy are not coded. I'm try to make it as simple as I can.
I put the EA on server and I rarely look at it. I'm seeing the Balance/Equity chart is going well but in fact I didn't look seriously at the account statistics which they are very important to investigate.
Today, I realized how much the account is working great. I got actually 39 wining trades out of 40 instead of 38/40 as shown at myfxbook report. The one trade difference is because one of trades closed on trailing stop loss, it was in little positive profit but the swap was a little bit higher than the profit itself, so, it is considered as loss trade.
Actually, it is :) ... I have to admit that, but I'm looking to consider the account profitability is higher than 92% ... Let us say, 97.5% if considers 39/40 :)
Let us see how things will go in the next few weeks :(
Detailed Statement is attached ...
I knew that there are few rules of 1MinuteDaily original strategy are not coded. I'm try to make it as simple as I can.
I put the EA on server and I rarely look at it. I'm seeing the Balance/Equity chart is going well but in fact I didn't look seriously at the account statistics which they are very important to investigate.
Today, I realized how much the account is working great. I got actually 39 wining trades out of 40 instead of 38/40 as shown at myfxbook report. The one trade difference is because one of trades closed on trailing stop loss, it was in little positive profit but the swap was a little bit higher than the profit itself, so, it is considered as loss trade.
Actually, it is :) ... I have to admit that, but I'm looking to consider the account profitability is higher than 92% ... Let us say, 97.5% if considers 39/40 :)
Let us see how things will go in the next few weeks :(
Detailed Statement is attached ...
... oshaban ... skype: oshaban27 ...
Dec 15, 2010 부터 멤버

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