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50%month(demo) 토론
Nov 27, 2010 at 08:23
Oct 06, 2009 부터 멤버
the down trend on EU continue this week and my "trend-breakout soft martingale" has done her job, she is on a 50% perf by month, wich is more than i expected (around 15% per month)
the real account who is attempted to give 5% per month (ans less drawdown and risk) is ok and achieve his target
the parameter on this 2 accounts won't be changed next week
the real account who is attempted to give 5% per month (ans less drawdown and risk) is ok and achieve his target
the parameter on this 2 accounts won't be changed next week
Dec 17, 2010 at 17:20
Oct 06, 2009 부터 멤버
yep, another very good week, the equity curve is ok, 20000 pips and +82% in five weeks
PF actually at 1.38
the real account works the same but with risk/10 so gain is /10 also
next week, i will continue with the same parameter
the EA lives on the volatily of the EURUSD and actually the volatility is here
good wend
PF actually at 1.38
the real account works the same but with risk/10 so gain is /10 also
next week, i will continue with the same parameter
the EA lives on the volatily of the EURUSD and actually the volatility is here
good wend

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