Account-3 (에 의해 forex_trader_138816)
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Account-3 토론

Jul 12, 2013 부터 멤버
Jul 12, 2013 at 14:47
Jul 12, 2013 부터 멤버
I have worked in forex for many years and got excellent experiences.
I wanna to sell one of my magical trading systems.
It's cost is unknown and I dont need it's money .
But, I can not give it to anybody for free because anybody may doesn't know it's cost.
If somebody want it, please send an email.
I can sell it 2K$ for limited numbers... After that, finish for ever.
This trading system uses a golden strategy that I think nobody discover before.... maybe somebody discover. I don't know But also, this is golden and magical... My system only gives very very powerful signals and filters the others because the other signals are not important.
I wanna to sell one of my magical trading systems.
It's cost is unknown and I dont need it's money .
But, I can not give it to anybody for free because anybody may doesn't know it's cost.
If somebody want it, please send an email.
I can sell it 2K$ for limited numbers... After that, finish for ever.
This trading system uses a golden strategy that I think nobody discover before.... maybe somebody discover. I don't know But also, this is golden and magical... My system only gives very very powerful signals and filters the others because the other signals are not important.
Jul 03, 2010 부터 멤버
Jul 03, 2010 부터 멤버

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