ACTrader Live PepperStone Razor (에 의해 actrader)

: 게인 -99.9%
드로다운 99.98%
핍스: 710.6
거래 179
원 :
: 종류 리얼
레버리지: 1:400
거래 : 자동화

ACTrader Live PepperStone Razor 토론

Aug 24, 2012 at 08:31
833 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Aug 15, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물117
Jan 08, 2013 at 09:42
I thought this EA is for trading AUDCAD only, but now you are trading other pairs and gold as well?! Are those manual trades?
Apr 26, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물5
Jan 08, 2013 at 12:03
Hello and thank you for your interest.
ACTrader trades only AUDCAD, all others are manual trades. I started them because of 2 reasons:
1. One experienced trader gave me some tips
2. This was the only account available for manual trades.

I am sorry for any inconvenience but there were some good pips won.

For ACTrader analyze please take into account only AUDCAD trades.

Thank you
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