Alpari_01 (에 의해 forex_trader_45539)

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Alpari_01 토론

Nov 20, 2011 at 23:58
597 개의 뷰
1 Replies
Oct 08, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물3
Dec 15, 2011 at 21:04
your strategy looks interesting. is this an EA? if yes, what kind?
Aug 24, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물1
Dec 15, 2011 at 22:07
Unfortunately I made a huge mistake, and killed this account. Before I used some EA (WS, MDP, COMBO, MDroid, LEO and Growthbot), after I tried to trade with hand, as you see the conclusion. Bests.
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