+BaliXtreem+ (에 의해 cyberfx)

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+BaliXtreem+ 토론

Mar 22, 2011 at 04:23
931 개의 뷰
2 Replies
Dec 03, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물7
Mar 22, 2011 at 04:49

- Expert Advisors TEST -

I have programed this expert advisor myself [C++]


- Play / Tested at all currency
available at FIGfx broker include
commodity (Gold & Silver)

- Running at D1 Chart

- Tested on various FX broker MT4 Panel
as detected discrapencies on a candle bar and
indicators calculation for each FX broker MT4 Panels.
This is the most challenges.

- Stragegy:

Precise Indicator Calculation
Several Indicator Comparison SET
Indicators filtering (long term to short term)

Candle Stick Analysis for entry point
Volume analysis for entry point
Market Move analysis for entry point
Fibonachi analysis for entry point

Auto Trailing Stop Loss
Auto Close Position when necessary
Auto Trailing on false move
/ Market Reversal / Pin Bar

Not Open position at uncertain market
based on conflicting indicators
Not Open position at reversal point
based on candle stick high low pivot analysis
Not Open position at very short term move

So Fare so Good
Sell on Overbought and Buy on Oversold (SOB 'n BOS)
Sep 26, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물23
Mar 24, 2011 at 06:00
looks good bro
Believing is Achieving....Not that Orginal lol
Dec 03, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물7
Mar 30, 2011 at 06:16
Hi Rodney Jones,

Have just checked on you page.
Hmm suffering but surviving :)

My advice, don't do scalping.
Usually, scalping script do a contra trend.
Scalping script that do follow trend, will suffer on market consolidation.

Scalping script is also dangerous for your Equity & Margin limit.

Check out

The future of investing. Autotrade them for free. Stopped making decisions. Less stress is better http://bit.ly/i6OqjG
Neural-Net,Revolutionizing MT4 Automated #FOREX Trading Industry.

I'm also one of many signal provider at ZuluTrade | http://bit.ly/htlfye

Have Fun.
Sell on Overbought and Buy on Oversold (SOB 'n BOS)
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