EA Blessing x3me (TradingPoint Micro Account) (에 의해 4xpinoy)
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EA Blessing x3me (TradingPoint Micro Account) 토론
Apr 03, 2012 at 09:02
(편집됨 Apr 03, 2012 at 09:18)
Jul 28, 2011 부터 멤버
for those who are interested in TESTING this modified Blessing EA.
i would like you to follow the steps below:
1. register a live MICRO account using this link https://www.trading-point.com/register/account/real?lang=en&a_aid=1cf4166d&a_bid=b6aed533
2. deposit at least $50.
3. inform me of your tradingpoint account number so i could verify.
4. i will send you the EA and four setfiles for the EURUSD.
5. after some time, maybe a month or two, and you are still using this EA on the same tradingpoint account, i will give you another group of setfiles i am using in this system.
i would like you to follow the steps below:
1. register a live MICRO account using this link https://www.trading-point.com/register/account/real?lang=en&a_aid=1cf4166d&a_bid=b6aed533
2. deposit at least $50.
3. inform me of your tradingpoint account number so i could verify.
4. i will send you the EA and four setfiles for the EURUSD.
5. after some time, maybe a month or two, and you are still using this EA on the same tradingpoint account, i will give you another group of setfiles i am using in this system.
Keep Moving Forward
Apr 05, 2012 at 04:52
Jul 28, 2011 부터 멤버
Apr 13, 2012 at 11:54
Jul 28, 2011 부터 멤버
please use the new link below. thanks.
Keep Moving Forward
Apr 23, 2012 at 03:06
Jul 28, 2011 부터 멤버
ratna, good luck!!! 😂
here are some important info about blessing x3me.
1. it is a mod of the official blessing 3.9.4. none major modifications though.
2. each pair runs 4 setfiles.
3. it uses hedging.
4. be sure to use the proper Magic Numbers so the hedging would work properly as intended. so please dont change the MNs.
here are some important info about blessing x3me.
1. it is a mod of the official blessing 3.9.4. none major modifications though.
2. each pair runs 4 setfiles.
3. it uses hedging.
4. be sure to use the proper Magic Numbers so the hedging would work properly as intended. so please dont change the MNs.
Keep Moving Forward
Apr 25, 2012 at 13:45
Jul 28, 2011 부터 멤버
hi scfx,
please open an account with tradingpoint as my modifications and setfiles are intended to run on tradingpoint MICRO account. thanks.
please open an account with tradingpoint as my modifications and setfiles are intended to run on tradingpoint MICRO account. thanks.
4xpinoy posted:
for those who are interested in TESTING this modified Blessing EA.
i would like you to follow the steps below:
1. register a live MICRO account using this link https://clicks.pipaffiliates.com/afs/come.php?id=48&cid=1519&ctgid=17&atype=1
2. deposit at least $50.
3. inform me of your tradingpoint MICRO account number and READ-ONLY password so i could verify.
4. i will send you the EA and four setfiles for the EURUSD. exactly the same EA and setfiles im using.
5. after some time, maybe a month or two, and you are still using this EA on the same tradingpoint account, i will give you another group of setfiles i am using in this system.
Keep Moving Forward
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