Forex Growth Bot (에 의해 birt)

: 게인 +18.4%
드로다운 36.19%
핍스: 1242.0
거래 1534
원 :
: 종류 리얼
레버리지: 1:500
거래 : 자동화

Forex Growth Bot 토론

Jan 19, 2011 at 21:16
3,188 개의 뷰
7 Replies
Nov 23, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물88
Jan 20, 2011 at 22:22

Are you using default settings? Did you close trades manually?

Aug 26, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물165
Jan 20, 2011 at 22:24
Yes, I am using default settings and I had to close the trades manually due to some crashes I've had last week. I detailed the issue in my article at
Jun 18, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물3
Jun 21, 2011 at 06:25
Dear Birt,
2 comments: Based on the manual that I received with the bot, you should increase your lot size since your account already increased to over 8,000 - this should increase the overall gain percentage.

Another comment, I use hotforex for this robot (as recommended by the author) and my start execution was better than yours for about 3 pips. That could be also a factor that you could mention in your article :)
Aug 26, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물165
Jun 23, 2011 at 20:18
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep it to 0.1 until it hits 10k. It was a mistake on my part starting it with 0.1 at 5k.

As for the start execution, a lot more factors are involved there, it could have been slippage or a different price feed, it's very hard to pinpoint the cause. Since mine does quite well already, I'm only glad to hear yours does better :)
May 10, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물360
Jul 16, 2011 at 23:03
Doing quite well? Hardly 10 % since March...
Aug 26, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물165
Jul 24, 2011 at 13:57
Given the fixed lot size used, 10% since March is not bad. The dramatic growth before that was caused by some problems with the EA, so it's not good as a comparison term.
Oct 27, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물12
Jan 24, 2012 at 13:23
Birt are you sure you have smart exit ON ?
because your trades are always open longer than usual with mine using the smart exit option ...
Oct 08, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물12
Jan 30, 2012 at 11:33
Any idea why the performance of FGB on this account is so much worse than on the official real money account?
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