GCG - REAL (에 의해 forex_trader_371083)
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Oct 24, 2016 부터 멤버
Feb 14, 2017 at 07:45
Oct 24, 2016 부터 멤버
Hello there. I'm sorry for the late reply.
It's not an arbitrage system. You will see the trade history and most trades last for 30min-120 min or even 2-3 days.
Arbitrage system trades last usually less than 1 min, so it's definitely not arbitrage, right?
It's not an arbitrage system. You will see the trade history and most trades last for 30min-120 min or even 2-3 days.
Arbitrage system trades last usually less than 1 min, so it's definitely not arbitrage, right?

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