Global Trading Pros 1:5 (에 의해 gtpfx)

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Global Trading Pros 1:5 토론

Mar 31, 2016 at 05:34
10,237 개의 뷰
237 Replies
Oct 30, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물20
Apr 12, 2017 at 12:03
togr posted:
I believe you should hire lawyer and try to get your money back.

Lawyer from America Arkady Buch asked 10k.
Feb 06, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물12
Apr 12, 2017 at 12:03
To summarise my actions so far:
10/04/17 I went to the police in the UK (physically into the police station) who told me to contact Action Fraud.

The police would not take it any further for now until Action Fraud had gathered other data over weeks and then only if enough complaints were made or the fraud was significant they may or may not direct it back to the police to set up an investigation.

10/04/17 I made a report with Action Fraud and they generated this crime reference number: NFRC170401809395. I have contacted MegaTransfer with this action fraud number and basically told them to freeze any ACM related accounts. They should do this if they are following FCA rules and actually their own internal processes.

11/04/17 MegaTransfer said that they would look into the matter. I gave them more information as requested and again asked them to freeze ACM accounts. I also asked them if there were any funds in my investor account.

12/04/17 I did send another message to support asking what was being done and would they provide a name of a manager /contact number. They have not got back to me yet.

WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS TO GET MEGATRANSFER TO FREEZE ALL ACM-FX ACCOUNTS ASAP.The process above describes the UK/EU? actions required. In your own countries this may vary.

I'll keep you posted. Any updates would be appreciated.
Mar 12, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물55
Apr 12, 2017 at 12:03
dheepan posted:
my actionfraud report no -NFRC170401711778 pls register as much as possible

Ok ill do it later and report back here. tks deepan
Apr 07, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물11
Apr 12, 2017 at 14:25
my action fraud report no - NFRC170401811834
I HAVE TO SEND THESE TO MEGATRANSFER ? I have send money to Online currency corp , is it the same company?

Hdm249 posted:
To summarise my actions so far:
10/04/17 I went to the police in the UK (physically into the police station) who told me to contact Action Fraud.

The police would not take it any further for now until Action Fraud had gathered other data over weeks and then only if enough complaints were made or the fraud was significant they may or may not direct it back to the police to set up an investigation.

10/04/17 I made a report with Action Fraud and they generated this crime reference number: NFRC170401809395. I have contacted MegaTransfer with this action fraud number and basically told them to freeze any ACM related accounts. They should do this if they are following FCA rules and actually their own internal processes.

11/04/17 MegaTransfer said that they would look into the matter. I gave them more information as requested and again asked them to freeze ACM accounts. I also asked them if there were any funds in my investor account.

12/04/17 I did send another message to support asking what was being done and would they provide a name of a manager /contact number. They have not got back to me yet.

WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS TO GET MEGATRANSFER TO FREEZE ALL ACM-FX ACCOUNTS ASAP.The process above describes the UK/EU? actions required. In your own countries this may vary.

I'll keep you posted. Any updates would be appreciated.
Oct 30, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물20
Apr 12, 2017 at 14:26
My National Crime Reference Number: NFRC170401811529 for I think you can write for and https: // - it's all one thing. Let all in one unite. Sorry, I do not know much English.
Oct 30, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물20
Apr 12, 2017 at 14:27
This is not yet verified information: Also all 3 websites were created by a Michal Truban with a contact number +421 0220 608080
Apr 07, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물11
Apr 12, 2017 at 14:28
here is what the support of megatransfer write to me

We were informed that the sakura fx trading no longer works. If you became a victim of fraud on the part of ACM-Fx, send email to support ([email protected]) for further investigation including all available data they have.
Mar 12, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물55
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:14
my actionfraud CRN No. NFRC170401812779
Mar 12, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물55
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:14
now i am going to email megatransfer
Feb 22, 2011 부터 멤버   게시물4573
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:15
Roman999999999 posted:
togr posted:
I believe you should hire lawyer and try to get your money back.

Lawyer from America Arkady Buch asked 10k.

If there is like 30 people or more then for one person it would not be expensive
Feb 06, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물12
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:28
I received this today. They are absolving themselves of all responsibility

this is a common inbox used by Several of our Operators.

We have passed all the information you have provided for consideration so the necessary actions are taken on our side.
At the same time we would like to clarify that MegaTransfer has no access or control over your investor account number :209657****
Our understanding is this is an information that was provided to you by ACM however this is not correct.

Your only account into which we have access and for which we can provide information to you is your MegaTransfer account. You can access this account using your registered email and your password. Your Funds held in your MegaTransfer account (not your trading account with ACM) are protected under industry standards (Electronic Money Regulation 2011), for your funds held with ACM and your account with them you need to contact ACM or their regulator.

I replied:

Dear Support,

Thanks for your reply. This is an inadequate response which does not remove your responsibility for attempting to recover these funds. The FCA will want this information when they open an investigation and approach you for it.

You have wallets and trasnaction numbers therefore details for all transfers in/out so you know exactly where funds came from in the system and how and to whom they were transferred out.

The ACM-FX USD74007574 and GBP58473187 MegaTransfer wallets which needs to be frozen by yourselves.

If these wallet still exists. They were used for all my transactions. These transactions were fraudulent and therefore you have a responsibility to contact the recipient bank and re-call any funds which they should send back to you. This is the law.

You need to start this tracing immediately because ultimately the FCA will want this information. The longer you delay the greater the likelyhood of these funds being moved another step away from you and potentially never being recovered. Please send me an update on how you intend to proceed and your process for tracing these funds.

Feb 06, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물12
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:33
Update 12/04/17: 18:45
The good news is they are activley now starting the investigation. They asked for details on how to setup an account on which I have geven them.

Here was their request. They have the ability to trace accounts as they have 2nd tier and possibly 3rd tier visibility on ACM's accounts, transfer's in and out and activities etc.
"we are in the process of taking action against ACM. We are also gathering all relevant date and everything will be provided to FCA upon request. We have also decided to coordinate a police report against ACM as we have all their information because we are shocked that ACM says money is with us. On this we would like to ask your assistance. Its our understanding that ACM clients are communicating using some thread or Blog, can you provide this to us so we can contact as much of ACM clients as possible in order to collect data?

Money is unlikely to be recovered until police takes action against ACM and we are moving on this direction despite this is not one of our services. Based on explanation of ACM which says money is with our company we have concluded ACM wants to trick its customers and has no intention to make payout."

Best Regards,

MegaTransfer Support Team

+44(020)7193 0226 │[email protected]

United Kingdom, London EC2A 4NE │86-90 Paul Street

Skype:│Twitter: @MegaTransferUK │Facebook: MegaTransfer

Feb 01, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물3
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:34
I've just reported this to megatransfer via the support email address and asked them to freeze my account. I'll report to the action fraud website tonight or tomorrow and maybe my bank and the police. Hopefully we can get some sort of positive outcome from this mess. fingers crossed. I'll post back here if any news.
Mar 12, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물55
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:47
guys also goto your banks i have initiated fraud recipient against my transfer. if the banks are involved it'll come out.
Apr 07, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물11
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:50
Yes like a class action , we need some to represent us , all together with a lawyer with balls
Apr 07, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물11
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:52
Thanks HDM , good job
I send an email yesterday to Megatransfer but from now no reply
I'm wait but i think the answer is the same
We have to talk with some Lawyer to represent us .... We have to intimidate with the law and Police

Hdm249 posted:
I received this today. They are absolving themselves of all responsibility

this is a common inbox used by Several of our Operators.

We have passed all the information you have provided for consideration so the necessary actions are taken on our side.
At the same time we would like to clarify that MegaTransfer has no access or control over your investor account number :209657****
Our understanding is this is an information that was provided to you by ACM however this is not correct.

Your only account into which we have access and for which we can provide information to you is your MegaTransfer account. You can access this account using your registered email and your password. Your Funds held in your MegaTransfer account (not your trading account with ACM) are protected under industry standards (Electronic Money Regulation 2011), for your funds held with ACM and your account with them you need to contact ACM or their regulator.

I replied:

Dear Support,

Thanks for your reply. This is an inadequate response which does not remove your responsibility for attempting to recover these funds. The FCA will want this information when they open an investigation and approach you for it.

You have wallets and trasnaction numbers therefore details for all transfers in/out so you know exactly where funds came from in the system and how and to whom they were transferred out.

The ACM-FX USD74007574 and GBP58473187 MegaTransfer wallets which needs to be frozen by yourselves.

If these wallet still exists. They were used for all my transactions. These transactions were fraudulent and therefore you have a responsibility to contact the recipient bank and re-call any funds which they should send back to you. This is the law.

You need to start this tracing immediately because ultimately the FCA will want this information. The longer you delay the greater the likelyhood of these funds being moved another step away from you and potentially never being recovered. Please send me an update on how you intend to proceed and your process for tracing these funds.

Apr 07, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물11
Apr 13, 2017 at 06:52
all together guys , we have to destroy these kind of people
Apr 13, 2017 부터 멤버   게시물10
Apr 13, 2017 at 12:01
Hi All, lets gather all information on our own. Then we can pass them To MegaTransfer or move on our selves.
Btw perhaps irs not good to discuss our next steps in public. I suggest you privately inbox me and then we continue with private emails. I wouldn't like ACM to know what we are planning this might give them an advantage
Apr 25, 2016 부터 멤버   게시물16
Apr 13, 2017 at 12:02
So far my actions.

Register with action fraud website- MY National Crime Reference Number - NFRC17040181293.

Mail written to Mega transfer with all the available documents and request to freeze my wallet. -Still No reply from them.

today went to Dubai police station to register complaint,they ask me to come Sunday morning with all the relevant documents.

i ll also keep you alll updated on my every move.

Feb 17, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물3
Apr 13, 2017 at 12:12
My ActionFraud details : NFRC170401811531

MegaTransfer Reply:

We have been contacted by many ACM deceived clients and must say that we are surprised to know that after switching off their website and all their contacts ACM owners claim money is still in our system: any legal check will prove that statement as false as owner of ACM received bank transfers in favor of him which have emptied wallets and these transfers were ordered by him.

Miss-informing of clients that is being done by ACM says that they have no intention to pay money to their clients and that is the same reason why they have switched off their website. (Anyone still can easily access archived version of it at )

Our company is in close communication with regulators and authorities to inform about the case. Rest assured we are not ignorant to the situation and we take it seriously.

We suggest that you also contact Police mentioning of this incident in case you haven't done so far. We are able to provide coordination help on this case but you need to be be careful in publishing any information because it may help ACM owner who can read such information.

Instead, we recommend to all ACM clients to create a common email communication so that they can exchange data and actions between each other without revealing that information to ACM owner. We have seen that there was some initiative from ACM/Sakura clients in myfxbook. Last one was from user Simon 21188 who offered to coordinate the victims of this case. We strongly recommend as you communicate with this user.

Kindly remember not to share critical information publicly that might harm your case as efficiency of actions against ACM depends on how efficiently communication is done otherwise ACM will be informed about every action you intent to take.
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