GPS Robot FxChoice 100k (에 의해 ForexMark)
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GPS Robot FxChoice 100k 토론
May 20, 2011 부터 멤버
Feb 04, 2015 at 13:03
Dec 24, 2010 부터 멤버
FXtrader2010 posted:
It seems like a decent EA but the support is horrible! I haven't been able to get this EA making trades for the longest time and It has take support@GPS over 4+ days just to reply no solution.
Can you please provide us your email. We will check it and will let you know about the problem. Support for GPS Robot is one of the best on the market and it's just impossible to not receive an answer during so long time. Maybe your email goes into spam folder or something like that.
Best regards,
GPS Robot
Mar 31, 2014 부터 멤버
Mar 31, 2014 부터 멤버
Mar 31, 2014 부터 멤버
May 20, 2011 부터 멤버
May 30, 2015 at 14:56
(편집됨 May 30, 2015 at 14:57)
May 20, 2011 부터 멤버
ddr555 posted:thanks for the useless info. what settings, broker, stats of some kind maybe? I could come and say I made a ton of money with this... lol
I used this robot and lost lot of money. What the vendor is claiming is totally wrong. To me it seems all forged documents presented here to grab money of the buyers. So buyers be aware!!!

Feb 11, 2011 부터 멤버
May 30, 2015 at 16:53
Feb 11, 2011 부터 멤버
RedRhinoLab posted:rob559 posted:227/32 = 7 Times to recover... Martingale at its newest heights.
kaboum...worse than a martingale
01.15.2015 13:21 01.15.2015 14:20 EURUSD Sell 227.50 - 13.70 1.16952 1.16814 13.8 31395.00 58m 9.22%
01.15.2015 00:00 01.15.2015 11:33 EURUSD Buy 32.50 - - 1.17908 1.17009 -89.9 -29217.50 11h 33m -7.90%
Looks to have blown on 5/10/2011 after the Second recovery trade didn't result in a recovery -
and conveniently this acc started jus after the may kaboom,in june......lot of questions
Aug 15, 2015 at 11:34
Sep 22, 2014 부터 멤버
The gain is good against the negative points such as High Investment USD 100,000 and Negative pip expectancy -0.3 pips and very high lot size without stop loss means its risky EA. I used this EA and it made more loss than gain in small account of USD 2000.
I wounder why its surviving!!!!! It seems its some agreement with broker!!!
The gain is good against the negative points such as High Investment USD 100,000 and Negative pip expectancy -0.3 pips and very high lot size without stop loss means its risky EA. I used this EA and it made more loss than gain in small account of USD 2000.
I wounder why its surviving!!!!! It seems its some agreement with broker!!!
Be Vegan, Make Peace
Jul 17, 2015 부터 멤버
Nov 11, 2015 at 14:57
Jul 17, 2015 부터 멤버
bundesrepublik posted:
In the User manual says 4 pairs..why vendor has only EURUSD ?
Hi that was my question , i have 1 month testing in a DEMO account with all pair active and trading all days with autoanalisis OFF
Gain % 37% DrawDown 6.6% in 1 month
this results give me confidence to start using this EA in my real account , with all 4 pair not trading on friday , using 0.01 per every 100$ in the account balance and not trading with AAA news 12H ahead . i only have 10 days trading . but so far so good ,i thing this is not a good EA to set a forget , to succeed using gps forex robot you need to analyze the market and leed it run just went not news ahead , and the market conditions of the asian session have low volatility or calm .
i recommend , testing the EA in a demo account like i did , not to use Money Management at the beginning , use 0.01 per every 200$ , not trade on friday , and not trade AAA news 12-24 ahead
thanks to god so far so good , hope to continue like this
message to mark : can you give any other clue or tip on how to trade with GPS using all 4 pairs ?
Keep Going !!
Nov 12, 2015 at 07:19
Dec 24, 2010 부터 멤버
Hi Ender,
We use all pairs when markets are stable and as you can see we use auto analyzes function and we recommend you use it as well because current markets are unstable. In any case you have not bad results!
You can also use trailing stop mode for your trading because it can increase your profit in geometrical progression. We have used this feature during first year on our 100k account and sometimes during one single trade we got 10%. It's impressive results but be careful - this is more risky method to generate money and this is a reason why we not use it right now on the unstable markets.
Let all your trades are profitable ones!
Best regards,
We use all pairs when markets are stable and as you can see we use auto analyzes function and we recommend you use it as well because current markets are unstable. In any case you have not bad results!
You can also use trailing stop mode for your trading because it can increase your profit in geometrical progression. We have used this feature during first year on our 100k account and sometimes during one single trade we got 10%. It's impressive results but be careful - this is more risky method to generate money and this is a reason why we not use it right now on the unstable markets.
Let all your trades are profitable ones!
Best regards,
GPS Robot
Jul 17, 2015 부터 멤버
Nov 14, 2015 at 09:11
Jul 17, 2015 부터 멤버
Hi mark !
but when i turn auto-analysis ON i am just getting 1 trade per week on EURUSD and no trades in the otres 3 pairs . is this behavior right ? or it have to open more trades in this markets conditions ?
that's why i took the risk to turn auto-analys OFF and do my own analysis using the economic calendar .. what do you think of this approach?
are you planning any update to the GPS soon ?
thanks for your response mark !!
but when i turn auto-analysis ON i am just getting 1 trade per week on EURUSD and no trades in the otres 3 pairs . is this behavior right ? or it have to open more trades in this markets conditions ?
that's why i took the risk to turn auto-analys OFF and do my own analysis using the economic calendar .. what do you think of this approach?
are you planning any update to the GPS soon ?
thanks for your response mark !!
Keep Going !!
Nov 17, 2015 at 13:43
(편집됨 Nov 17, 2015 at 13:44)
Dec 24, 2010 부터 멤버
Hi Ender,
Sometimes you can see rare trades but in general we have few trades per week during unstable periods.
Sorry for the late reply. It will be better if your will send your messages directly to [email protected], there you will get fast and detailed reply from guys. I just can't answer very often here.
Best regards,
Sometimes you can see rare trades but in general we have few trades per week during unstable periods.
Sorry for the late reply. It will be better if your will send your messages directly to [email protected], there you will get fast and detailed reply from guys. I just can't answer very often here.
Best regards,
GPS Robot
Jul 17, 2015 부터 멤버

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