Micro XM - Juneid (에 의해 srk121)
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Micro XM - Juneid 토론
May 20, 2011 부터 멤버
May 20, 2011 부터 멤버
Apr 01, 2015 at 00:09
May 20, 2011 부터 멤버
srk121 posted:Nahhh, do not mix those two because then you will easily let a 'scalp' become a long term trade when you know it is botched and will blow it. Using ATR can be the best way to have SL because it is based on the volatility of the pair. Cheers best of luck
I may need to start putting hard SL. However i was trading based on long term charts. Just learning the scalping side of it. Thanks for your input though. Any suggesations?
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