My Live EA (에 의해 MyLiveEA)

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My Live EA 토론

Mar 21, 2010 at 05:18
4,360 개의 뷰
79 Replies
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 14:04

You may have misunderstood what I was saying.
When I say 95% it means you have just that a 95% chance of getting out at break even. You would have a 100% chance of getting out with a much smaller loss.
To be this system is worth thousands. The reason is very clear to see if you look. With a recovery system like this all you do is run a martingale make your $500 or more per day then maybe in a week or so you get a good size dd like 20%. So you turn the your EA off and use your system to close out and get out of that DD and just turn your EA back on.

The reason why people always fail with Martingales is exactly because they do not have nor know a system like this one.
It is finally something that makes your trading extremely profitable and at the same time safe..
Happy Trading

pc8multifx posted:
@ Randy

I will leave you with a question. Please be very honest..How much would you be willing to pay for a system if it gave you a 95%
success rate of never taking a big loss or blowing your account? Think about that and let me know.

To be honest, as long as your system doesn't provide a 100% success rate, it isn't better than any other EA... sorry, I wouldn't buy it.
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 14:31
Sir you have no idea what you are talking about..
With a attitude like yours you will never achieve much success in this market. Take a look at my real live money account.
Over 110% in less than 2 months. The only thing you need to understand it this if anyone else was trading that account with the same EA they would have blown the account 2 different times in that period of time. But mine just keeps on going and it does so because I do not let the account to get that far in trouble..
The difference is this you will see my account with more or less the same monthly profit all the time. No one has this on myfxbook or anyplace in the world but I do. You show me one trader that has a real money account where is is making around 50% per month, month for month over 1 year and never blown the account or took more than a 20% loss every 2 months.

Just show me one person..remember 1yr trading non stop,50% per month,never blown, never more than a 20% loss every 3 months.
Show be that and I will admit what your saying makes sense. If not, if you cannot not find just one in the whole world that can do this but I can , then you tell me what it's worth lol

You are truly very ignorant in your answer so hopefully now you can understand what I am saying
However I wish you luck..
Sep 04, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물849
Apr 28, 2010 at 14:43
Calm down, we know already what kind of great guy u are....😝 U are my hero, u found the holy grail 😉
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 15:02
well thank you. The nice thing about mffxbook real money account it's that it's a real money account.
People can lie about me, say all kinds of things but they cannot deny my account.
Do you actually think that I go to forums to market this EA? It's the
last thing I would do if I did it at all.

No one can do what I do for now. If I show anyone how in this pirate unprofessional market call Forex then everyone the next day will know. You see most people here are just stupid and should not even be allowed access to any trading forum. This should be made up with only professional people that actually make their living by trading.
The reason for this is simple like I said most people here are stupid what that means is most people here are losers, over 95% .
So we can honestly 95% of the people here are stupid and losers.

Here is the reason why I say this, every time someone comes up with a system that really works and it gets out in public it stops working. Now professional traders know this but your average Joe on this forum simply thinks OH gosh that is really darn good I will tell all my friends and we can make so much money maybe I can buy a new TV!
Thats the mentality that true traders have t put up with. So when you have people that pirate this market like they do and flood the market with every possible system do you think it's a very strong possibility on why nothing works in Forex as far as a system any more. You see professional traders know this but you guys with the smart ass comments only know as far as you can think and it's very unfortunate for this market that your thinking goes as far as you buying your first new TV..

Sep 04, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물849
Apr 28, 2010 at 15:18
LOL with every further post u disqualify yourself more and more... your intellectual level of discussion is just to low to be taken serious...

Good luck!
Nov 28, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물7
Apr 28, 2010 at 15:33
hii there ... :)

randi aka grump

Picture tells thousand mean ...

here .. is your post

please read the underline ...

now ... here is what he tell in our forum
please read the underline ..., this guy have a different statement every time

a link that he post is pointing to the first subject .. is trader-t00ls.inf0
and a gain ...


He edit the message ... :) seems like his typing do need some correction ..

and send me a message ...

FYI grump is making alot share in our forum and yes we thank at him ... but he is flaming to much and always have a different statement .... I think - is just what I think ... this guy cant spell my name correctly - is kar-D-E-l with D and E

now ... let all see and judge,.... who is selfish ... ;)

and you may judge who is totally wrong ...

IMO . We trader . don't really care about the tools, ea, and such ... :) if we did use it. WE will buy it. We continue to support the Developer. but one thing that We assume it is criminal... "Selling something that Developers made it with LOW PRICE" beside it was a SPAM after all ..

best Regards

Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 15:43 (편집됨 Apr 28, 2010 at 16:10)
Well that is interesting coming from a person that runs a pirate website that has copied every single EA and system that hard working people put there money into and had hoped to make a living from it.
You Sir and your group has taking the living from these people and their family's

I never said anything like this's not a far reach to say that if you people who decompile all the commercial systems even the ones ith code guard how difficult do you think it would be to make up a story like this to discredit me.

The point is Sir even if it was me and it's not but lets say it is for sake of argument. This is not what is at issue here I am only the messenger your Sir are a pig, a thief of the worst kind..the kind that pretends they are sharing in a community when in truth you are decoding other peoples work and taking away all their profits by making the same system available for free.

Yo should go to prison for a very long time and if you were in the US that is where you would be..
Nov 28, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물7
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:15
😄 picture tells he truth. beside .. please don't use bad language here ... it make people think that you were uneducated. and seriously .. they wont trust uneducated people at any mean ...

my 5 cent ... randy ...
judging from your language .. You're not from U S and beside ... you have a great lost due your previous post that I delete, you asking for EA that making 20 % per month. be Wise randy .. and GROW UP .. this is the truth ...
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:20 (편집됨 Apr 28, 2010 at 16:34)
I hope that the good people of this community rise up and do something about this..

It was never about me..

The point was never if I said this or that . Maybe I am a crazy old guy or maybe I had these intentions all along whatever the case this is NOT about me it's about your illegal website and now it is out in the open for the world to see.
Plus I made sure that every Forex forum on the net knows who it is that is stealing other peoples copyrights and destroying their business and livelihood. I also made sure that most of the developers I know are now aware of your illegal activities..
Anyone that makes me a bad guy here is only helping you in your mission to steal because I have not written one word of untruth about you and your illegal pirate forum.
I hold a high regard for other peoples work and anyone here that does not should be expelled from the trading community in my opinion. This should be a professional place not a gambling Casino.

All the Forex forums like FF,Forex-TSD,Trading systems, FXstreet,trade 2 win and others have strict copyright rules. You cannot even post commercial code on those sites but you have went much further you have made a business out of this. You have made your site so popular because you steal and give away every system ever made. You have done this for one purpose and that purpose is to put money in your pockets. You use your site for banner advertising to brokers.
Do you know how many hits your site gets per day I will tell you by the number of hits your site gets the market value of just placing one AD is in the hundreds if not thousand of dollars. You found a way to make yourself very popular off other peoples hard work and then turn that popularity into money for your self..

You and your site is sick and it is this kind of thing that makes the Forex industry look like a Casino not a professional place..
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:27
What? You are not only a thief but a illiterate one at that!
I have loss nothing, I do very well in Forex thank you.
Again you are simply trying to discredit me when this is about you and your illegal activities in Forex.
People can say or think whatever they wish about me, who I am etc. This does not change the fact that you and your site have stolen every commercial EA and system used to trade Forex.

I will let others be the Judge to which one they see is most important here the messenger or the actual thieves and website that has destroyed many a developers life by doing this.

kardel posted:
😄 picture tells he truth. beside .. please don't use bad language here ... it make people think that you were uneducated. and seriously .. they wont trust uneducated people at any mean ...

my 5 cent ... randy ...
judging from your language .. You're not from U S and beside ... you have a great lost due your previous post that I delete, you asking for EA that making 20 % per month. be Wise randy .. and GROW UP .. this is the truth ...
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:49
The value so far of your website is:
Site Value Report
The estimated value of is: $63,790

This value is calculated based on several factors shown above, including: Links, Traffic (Alexa), age of the domain, site category, domain keyword popularity, and overall occurrences of the domain name on the web.

You can buy and sell established sites in the dnScoop Marketplace.

Not bad at all considering your value is totally based on stealing other peoples work..
Nov 28, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물7
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:49
let me just post this thing up.... remember ... WE ARE TRADER ... we make PICTURE of our trading



Grump = Randy1963 and 1953 and forextra ... same person .. he cloned 4 time .. and yet ... this guy who introduce us to a rapidshare premium ...he's writing so convincing ... he had good experience in RAPIDSHARE stuff ... and possible that he make money on it ...

FYI . Rapidshare is being use by many sharer that make profit by it .. it was everything .. you named it ... porn, hack program, and other HACK stuff ..

:) Grow up is being adult that accept reality ..randy... don't grow side ways ... :)
Nov 28, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물7
Apr 28, 2010 at 16:51

MyLiveEA posted:
The value so far of your website is:
Site Value Report
The estimated value of is: $63,790

This value is calculated based on several factors shown above, including: Links, Traffic (Alexa), age of the domain, site category, domain keyword popularity, and overall occurrences of the domain name on the web.

You can buy and sell established sites in the dnScoop Marketplace.

Not bad at all considering your value is totally based on stealing other peoples work..

everything there is FREE randy ... we wont sell it even for billion ... or a penny ...
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 17:12
As the reader can see this person is simply deflecting. He knows he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and his only option is to use someone's post as mine to discredit the messenger..

Also he is not a stupid man even though he writes like one. He is trying to make you believe that just because everything is free on his site that means no damage has been done to the pirate developers of these systems.
On the contrary hundreds of thousands of dollars have been lost because of this man and hi website..

He just said it himself Everything is Free and why buy something if you can get it for free..

You know Karl it's a good thing to be right and correct as I am. Why? Because I can post all day to you and never run out of ammunition because you are the bad guy here, you are the thief, you are the one with the pirate website and by your own admission give away everything for free when the hard working developers are trying to sell their commercial systems..

The world is not stupid Karl. You will pay for what you have done. Not with just messages to you about your website but with legal action from company's that you have done this to. They are right now taking this new information and getting together with other company's to close you down and hopefully make you pay in damages or put you in Jail..
Nov 28, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물7
Apr 28, 2010 at 17:24 (편집됨 Apr 28, 2010 at 17:27)
MyLiveEA posted:
As the reader can see this person is simply deflecting. He knows he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and his only option is to use someone's post as mine to discredit the messenger..

it was you that "discredit" ...yourself

MyLiveEA= Also he is not a stupid man even though he writes like one. He is trying to make you believe that just because everything is free on his site that means no damage has been done to the pirate developers of these systems.
On the contrary hundreds of thousands of dollars have been lost because of this man and hi website..


MyLiveEA=He just said it himself Everything is Free and why buy something if you can get it for free..

K:) I don't trade using MT4 ... I use NT . beside i buy those stuff ... :) yet I am satisfied by it ...

MyLiveEA=You know Karl it's a good thing to be right and correct as I am. Why? Because I can post all day to you and never run out of ammunition because you are the bad guy here, you are the thief, you are the one with the pirate website and by your own admission give away everything for free when the hard working developers are trying to sell their commercial systems..

K: I think You got it all wrong .. beside . :) It was you who stole it from our forum and sell it cheap ...

MyLiveEA=The world is not stupid Karl. You will pay for what you have done. Not with just messages to you about your website but with legal action from company's that you have done this to. They are right now taking this new information and getting together with other company's to close you down and hopefully make you pay in damages or put you in Jail..


Even preschool child can judge ... that You made the mistake by Your own ...

And yes ..You need to get on preschool exam once again ... MY NAME IS KAR-D-E-L ... :) gosh ... how can you trust a guy that barely can't SPELL
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 17:46
OMG I hope the readers see how psychotic this man is.
I now believe he actually think he has done no harm. He actually thinks that by stealing other people commercial work and letting it go for free causes no harm. He actually believes because it's free on his pirate forum it's legal and Okay.

Folks these are the people that must leave in Forex. They are the very virus that infects so many and cause untold harm to each and every one who trades in this community.
Hopefully we can get a commercial developer to chime in here and put this thief in his place..

As far as the other crap about me well that is all he ever had to work with..

Sep 04, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물849
Apr 28, 2010 at 18:10
Hundred thousend of dollars stolen from hard working developers?? Copyrights??

LOOL its just ridiculous. 99% of all commercial EAs are copies from others or stolen from free forums .

The very few good ones get their paying customers, no matter what. Clients want the original EA with all updates and clean coding for live trading and they are willing to pay a fair price for it

This accused forum saves the inexperienced newbe a lot of money they otherwise would throw out of the window for the average commercial crap EA. In the end only the scammers get affected and this is OK and fair.
Mar 21, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물67
Apr 28, 2010 at 18:26 (편집됨 Apr 28, 2010 at 18:27)
What you must get paid by this Forum..they have all the updates, the have all clean coding..
You have no idea what your talking about and when you make statements such as "99% are copies from others or stolen.."
it shows how very stupid you are also. Your so wrong in your statement I could throw stuff at you all day long until you could not say a word but why you just showed how very ignorant and dumb you really are..

Also if you learn how to read you would see it is far from EAs, it also has all the paid Forex courses that cost thousand of dollars ones like Super Max or Max Trading get it there free

All the courses by Forexmentors get it there free

Every paid for Video and book on Forex get it there it's free..

etc etc

Your a piece of work
Nov 28, 2009 부터 멤버   게시물7
Apr 28, 2010 at 18:48

MyLiveEA posted:
What you must get paid by this Forum..they have all the updates, the have all clean coding..
You have no idea what your talking about and when you make statements such as "99% are copies from others or stolen.."
it shows how very stupid you are also. Your so wrong in your statement I could throw stuff at you all day long until you could not say a word but why you just showed how very ignorant and dumb you really are..

don't be rude randy ... 😄 ... please ... take the preschool exam back. lets say ... start by alphabet . .. can you type the alphabet ???
Mar 11, 2010 부터 멤버   게시물8
Apr 28, 2010 at 19:01

MyLiveEA posted:
OMG I hope the readers see how psychotic this man is.
I now believe he actually think he has done no harm. He actually thinks that by stealing other people commercial work and letting it go for free causes no harm. He actually believes because it's free on his pirate forum it's legal and Okay.

Folks these are the people that must leave in Forex. They are the very virus that infects so many and cause untold harm to each and every one who trades in this community.
Hopefully we can get a commercial developer to chime in here and put this thief in his place..

As far as the other crap about me well that is all he ever had to work with..


Just look at Randy, who would say.
you always played the nice, honest person ....
continue with your hypocrisy
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