sPhantom Auto Trader (에 의해 sPhantom)
: 게인 | +694.0% |
드로다운 | 91.94% |
핍스: | 1266.4 |
거래 | 261 |
원 : |
손실: |
: 종류 | 리얼 |
레버리지: | 1:400 |
거래 : | 자동화 |
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sPhantom Auto Trader 토론
Feb 14, 2014 at 13:54
Jan 06, 2014 부터 멤버
JTH123 posted:
An email would have been nice, just letting us know what's going on. Or even better an area on their website where they can let us know what happening and where we could communicate with them.
Not letting us know is making our minds go wild and we will always think the worst.
I bought the ea 4 days before it crashed, so you can see how i feel.
But no reply to my eamils
And now it hasn't traded for 2 days just when they went offline then back on again.
Communication would make everyone feel a bit better.
but we shall see what will be what.
Don't worry, few hours ago someone told "He, very professional"! so where is the problem? he does not reply to e-mail? where is the problem: "He, very professional"!😇
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Sep 23, 2013 부터 멤버
Feb 14, 2014 at 17:56
Sep 23, 2013 부터 멤버
Here's what I have posted in the FPA's scam folder. I agree we knew the TRADING LOSS risk, but that's NOT the same as the UN-KEPT PROMISES risk. There's a huge difference. Ironically, if they kept their promises this collapse wouldn't have happened.
Actually I'd say there were a few problems, and it's not clear to me that it's a scam; but possibly a scoundrel case or more likely, a bunch of dopes.
First, it is sold as an EA but it's actually a trade copier. That's not necessarily bad in itself, but it's important to understand what could go wrong. They promise an "Emergency" stop loss of 250 pips but that the trades are overseen by "a group of experienced professionals". This group has, in the past, always pulled the plug well in advance of serious damage.
Second, they claimed to never trade the news. This isn't in their sales pitch but in the forums on myfxbook.com, their response to "Why didn't you trade today" was "We didn't trade because of volatility introduced by today's fundamental events". Well and good.
Third, in their sales pitch they promise lifetime unlimited email support . Again, last year they lived up to this very well. I had several minor questions and "Benton" always got back to me quickly.
Forth, they promise lifetime updates as they will keep learning and improving their product.
When the collapse came, they failed on all 4 counts. I have no patience with the various idiots who claim "it's a grid, it's martingale , it will implode" etc, and that's not what went wrong.
They didn't pull the plug in time; they traded the news, abysmally, twice. They stopped replying to emails and the forum; and they re-started their product without any improvements to the money management strategy.
So yes, I understood the risk; and yes, I have learned from this and have made a decision as a result; but no, sPhantom has not given their customers what they paid for, those 4 points; so they need to account for themselves or be subjected to whatever negative impact the FPA can produce.
My decisions:
1. EA 's can find me entry points but my money management is a critical part of my trading plan. I have to have control of SL, TP, TS and amount risked;
2. EA 's are for diversification. I have set up a separate account and any EA 's I use can run on that, and will be de-activated unless I have an overall positive ROI for the year-to-date;
3. I am not a news trader so neither will be my EA 's. I will mark red news events affecting my pairs on my calendar each week, and shut off any EA 's those days.
Alas sPhantom, it was doing so well; but I am going to learn to do better, or die trying...
Actually I'd say there were a few problems, and it's not clear to me that it's a scam; but possibly a scoundrel case or more likely, a bunch of dopes.
First, it is sold as an EA but it's actually a trade copier. That's not necessarily bad in itself, but it's important to understand what could go wrong. They promise an "Emergency" stop loss of 250 pips but that the trades are overseen by "a group of experienced professionals". This group has, in the past, always pulled the plug well in advance of serious damage.
Second, they claimed to never trade the news. This isn't in their sales pitch but in the forums on myfxbook.com, their response to "Why didn't you trade today" was "We didn't trade because of volatility introduced by today's fundamental events". Well and good.
Third, in their sales pitch they promise lifetime unlimited email support . Again, last year they lived up to this very well. I had several minor questions and "Benton" always got back to me quickly.
Forth, they promise lifetime updates as they will keep learning and improving their product.
When the collapse came, they failed on all 4 counts. I have no patience with the various idiots who claim "it's a grid, it's martingale , it will implode" etc, and that's not what went wrong.
They didn't pull the plug in time; they traded the news, abysmally, twice. They stopped replying to emails and the forum; and they re-started their product without any improvements to the money management strategy.
So yes, I understood the risk; and yes, I have learned from this and have made a decision as a result; but no, sPhantom has not given their customers what they paid for, those 4 points; so they need to account for themselves or be subjected to whatever negative impact the FPA can produce.
My decisions:
1. EA 's can find me entry points but my money management is a critical part of my trading plan. I have to have control of SL, TP, TS and amount risked;
2. EA 's are for diversification. I have set up a separate account and any EA 's I use can run on that, and will be de-activated unless I have an overall positive ROI for the year-to-date;
3. I am not a news trader so neither will be my EA 's. I will mark red news events affecting my pairs on my calendar each week, and shut off any EA 's those days.
Alas sPhantom, it was doing so well; but I am going to learn to do better, or die trying...
"Press On" has solved and will always solve, the problems of the Human Race
Feb 14, 2014 at 18:20
Nov 11, 2010 부터 멤버
come on guys,
let the man do his job, sending signals to your account.
yes i lose little money, but when you use fix lot size or small risk you are in profit.
everybody can see the drawdown on myfxbook, and now?. stop to cry, stop the signal when you dont want do use it.
when i was sphantom, i dont answer every every message here!. When you know the future, trade your own style!
best regard
let the man do his job, sending signals to your account.
yes i lose little money, but when you use fix lot size or small risk you are in profit.
everybody can see the drawdown on myfxbook, and now?. stop to cry, stop the signal when you dont want do use it.
when i was sphantom, i dont answer every every message here!. When you know the future, trade your own style!
best regard
Stay in Business
Feb 14, 2014 at 21:09
Feb 06, 2014 부터 멤버
donald99b posted:
come on guys,
let the man do his job, sending signals to your account.
yes i lose little money, but when you use fix lot size or small risk you are in profit.
.....so true !!
everybody can see the drawdown on myfxbook, and now?. stop to cry, stop the signal when you dont want do use it.
when i was sphantom, i dont answer every every message here!. When you know the future, trade your own style!
best regard
Feb 14, 2014 at 21:09
Feb 12, 2014 부터 멤버
Donald99b That would be nice if they did there job, but i and i am sure everyone else have no trades since the website and ea went down.
I am willing to give them another chance but we are getting nothing from them, no emails no communications no public posts anywhere. It just seems they don't care, because that would mean they would have to sell their Rolls Royce's to refund everyone.
And that's not going to happen!!!!
I am willing to give them another chance but we are getting nothing from them, no emails no communications no public posts anywhere. It just seems they don't care, because that would mean they would have to sell their Rolls Royce's to refund everyone.
And that's not going to happen!!!!
Sep 23, 2013 부터 멤버
Feb 14, 2014 at 22:11
Sep 23, 2013 부터 멤버
There's a huge gap between "answering every little email" and only putting one sad little statement out there and proceeding as if nothing happened.
Learn to trade and forget about EA's, says I...
Learn to trade and forget about EA's, says I...
"Press On" has solved and will always solve, the problems of the Human Race
Feb 16, 2014 at 07:34
Feb 04, 2014 부터 멤버
You losers who want a refund obviously don't understand the risk disclaimers' nor do you understand risk capital. If you can't afford to lose it don't risk it!
I've received five profit trades signals in the last two weeks. Sphantom is still working so why do you want a refund? Grow up there is no scam here just a pack or whinging losers.
Keep up the good work Benton!
I've received five profit trades signals in the last two weeks. Sphantom is still working so why do you want a refund? Grow up there is no scam here just a pack or whinging losers.
Keep up the good work Benton!

Feb 22, 2013 부터 멤버
Aug 30, 2013 부터 멤버
Dec 21, 2013 부터 멤버
Oct 26, 2013 부터 멤버
Feb 18, 2014 at 13:14
Oct 26, 2013 부터 멤버
Reconnected to my original account number. EA seems to be active again i.e trade went through last night-this morning irish time.
If I reconnect to the account I switched to I'm still getting 'not connected to the server'
Hopefully we're back in action now
Dec 10, 2013 부터 멤버
Feb 18, 2014 at 22:42
Dec 10, 2013 부터 멤버
Not sure what some of you guys mumbling about... The last 6 trades end in profit. I am almost back where I started :-) https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Atsiekratsie/getrichordietryin/783118
now or never!
Aug 30, 2013 부터 멤버
Feb 19, 2014 at 00:27
Aug 30, 2013 부터 멤버
Atsiekratsie posted:
Not sure what some of you guys mumbling about... The last 6 trades end in profit. I am almost back where I started :-) https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Atsiekratsie/getrichordietryin/783118
WOW thats really great so much GREEN in there and no red huh?

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