Strategy 24a (에 의해 forex_trader_427496)
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Strategy 24a 토론
Feb 28, 2014 부터 멤버
Feb 28, 2014 부터 멤버
Oct 23, 2017 at 06:23
Feb 28, 2014 부터 멤버
This account is a magician's illusion. PLEASE KEEP READING, and I will expose Levich's manipulation.
It's very easy to MANIPULATE the total floating loss / drawdown to look like a small percentage of the account. Notice how Levich does not publish total deposits.
Here's how Levich manipulates his account to look so good:
He starts with a small account, let's say $100. We start seeing only his winning trades, but of course his drawdown quickly exceeds his winning trades. No worries! He deposits more money, say, another $500, and keeps putting out those winning trades. Now, his drawdown is a much smaller PERCENTAGE of his total deposits. And when his drawdown gets ugly again, you guessed it, he DEPOSITS more $. This way, his drawdown always LOOKS small, and we never see what his floating loss is.
The reason why he has not started offering trade copying on this account yet, is because as soon as he does, people will instantly see their account go into the red. His plan is to get as much hype built up as possible, and then make a "quick buck" with several subscribers before they go running for the hills from their massive drawdown. So, he needs as many people "on the boat" first, before he sinks it.
summary of red flags:
1. Many crucial account metrics are hidden from us
2. He has not activated this account for trade copying yet
3. His account looks better than if God was trading
It's very easy to MANIPULATE the total floating loss / drawdown to look like a small percentage of the account. Notice how Levich does not publish total deposits.
Here's how Levich manipulates his account to look so good:
He starts with a small account, let's say $100. We start seeing only his winning trades, but of course his drawdown quickly exceeds his winning trades. No worries! He deposits more money, say, another $500, and keeps putting out those winning trades. Now, his drawdown is a much smaller PERCENTAGE of his total deposits. And when his drawdown gets ugly again, you guessed it, he DEPOSITS more $. This way, his drawdown always LOOKS small, and we never see what his floating loss is.
The reason why he has not started offering trade copying on this account yet, is because as soon as he does, people will instantly see their account go into the red. His plan is to get as much hype built up as possible, and then make a "quick buck" with several subscribers before they go running for the hills from their massive drawdown. So, he needs as many people "on the boat" first, before he sinks it.
summary of red flags:
1. Many crucial account metrics are hidden from us
2. He has not activated this account for trade copying yet
3. His account looks better than if God was trading
Sep 14, 2015 부터 멤버

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