A Phelangi Corp Company is a company that licenses Obtaining a corporate company in January 2011 after it passed the eligibility test conducted by a team between government departments, then the date January 27, 2011, A Phelangi Corp Company officially established. See more our company profiles here http://www.phelangi.com/company-profile
거래 스타일
Analisa teknikal and fundamental
Sepuluh di kurangi satu sama dengan sembilan belas


Systems by Phelangi_Corp

이름 게인 드로다운 핍스 거래 레버리지 종류
EA Kikuk Kikuk 791.86% 29.14% 497.0 매뉴얼 1:1000 리얼
Contest Real Euromaxfx (Ended) 205.36% 62.00% 498.0 매뉴얼 1:500 리얼
EA Sagita Mentul (WD All) 25.32% 35.13% 597.0 자동화 1:1000 리얼
Phelangi Trading Management Part 1 (WD All) 56.71% 67.88% 341.0 매뉴얼 1:400 리얼
1. Gain ≥ 100% = WD All 121.13% 29.35% 189.0 매뉴얼 1:1000 리얼
WD Project Part 1 24.11% 59.20% 25.4 매뉴얼 1:1000 리얼
EA ORALIT_V.1_2012 - Front Test Demo -46.75% 83.74% 399.0 자동화 1:500 데모

Phelangi_Corp's Reviews

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