A software developer for +25 years and an algo trader for 20.
거래 스타일
Arbitrage 1-leg, Arbitrage 2-legs, Hedging and Grid systems
If you say, you can or you can't you are right either way.


Systems by c4goldpro

이름 게인 드로다운 핍스 거래 레버리지 종류
Contest - c4goldpro 1099.92% 85.06% 971.8 - 1:500 데모
Hedge-1273698 441.91% 18.04% 232.7 - 1:500 데모
Mt4-11192446 34.66% 17.49% 350.4 자동화 - 리얼
Roman5 Pullback 30.20% 38.72% -4726.9 매뉴얼 1:100 리얼
Mt4-Thunder2 417.44% 26.13% 969.0 혼합 1:100 리얼
Diamond-Demo 22173.61% 23.76% 12411.4 매뉴얼 1:1000 데모