거래 스타일
100% technical but aware of fundamentals.

Preferred trading style is based on a Multi-Timeframe Bollinger Bands averaging in. Most often counter-trend trading but also going with the trend depending on the end-of-week analysis of higher timeframes (monthly, weekly, daily).

Short-term centered on M5 trend and bands, with M30 for scope and M1 for entries; some scalping and reentries when needed.

Actually testing a transition to a Medium-term centered approach on H4 trend and bands, Daily chart for scope and H1 for entries.

Still here. (shorter version of "Winners never quit and Quitters never win" :) )


Systems by doblece

이름 게인 드로다운 핍스 거래 레버리지 종류
2cc 162.57% 33.35% 6568.1 매뉴얼 1:50 리얼
3m beta test 21.09% 15.20% 938.4 매뉴얼 1:50 데모

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