At Stonelake Trading, we are committed to identifying and partnering with top trading talent globally. As a proprietary trading firm without a central office, we operate on a worldwide scale, embracing the diversity of financial markets across continents. Our mission is twofold: to empower exceptional traders with a platform to excel and to provide investors with intelligent portfolios backed by cutting-edge technology.
We, the edge hunters


Systems by stonelaketrading

이름 게인 드로다운 핍스 거래 레버리지 종류
AI-3 Crypto Multi-Currency -11.14% 17.70% 152329.0 혼합 1:100 리얼
AI-2 Crypto Multi-Currency 43.69% 35.56% 13920390.8 혼합 1:200 리얼
AI-4 FX & Indices Growth -33.31% 35.68% -70975.4 혼합 1:100 리얼
AI-5 Crypto Multi-Currency -22.41% 27.75% -128305.6 - 1:500 리얼
AI-6 FX & Indices Growth -2.12% 10.16% -67115.9 - 1:500 리얼

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