Join me on my channel where I answer, share knowledge, and trading experience

- Founder of ThuVienTaiChinh.com - a training and sharing unit of financial investment knowledge (Forex, Gold, Stocks, Cryptos). ThuVienTaiChinh.com with more than 200,000 followers on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@ThuVienTaiChinh), more than 50,000 followers on TikTok (https://www.tiktok.com/@thuvientaichinh), Website (https://thuvientaichinh.com/) and Telegram (https://t.me/taichinhthuvien) is also of great interest.

- Admin of @TradingSCapital - this is a service to copy signals directly from my account. My total profit achieved over 7 years is more than 13.000 % (equivalent to over $650.000). I have helped thousands of investors earn several thousand dollars a month simply and easily from copy trading. Currently there are more than 600 investors copying me from all over the world, the total amount of copying is up to more than 3 million dollars on LiteFinance Brokers alone.
거래 스타일
Join me on my channel where I answer, share knowledge, and trading experience



Systems by tradingsvietnam

이름 게인 드로다운 핍스 거래 레버리지 종류
TradingS Capital 2418.80% 39.88% 60756.8 혼합 1:500 리얼
BlueWhale Capital 3127.58% 20.60% 61920.7 - 1:500 리얼
NguyenMinhTam 453.85% 31.25% 23509.0 혼합 1:500 리얼

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