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JadeFX DEMO old
트레이딩 시스템
Jan 29, 2010 at 01:18
Demo's ALWAYS do better than real - No requotes, No slippage, Instant order entry.
EA ECN Forward Test 2
트레이딩 시스템
Jan 25, 2010 at 04:36
BOOM goes the Dynamite!!
more characteristics of systems (martigale, using sl ...)
제안 상자
Jan 24, 2010 at 21:26
It seems to me that most put this info in the General Description if they want to share it and Marty's are spottable by the equity line. Also most people serious about managed trades will at least display the closed trades. (people dont invest blindly without some info) - So while your suggestion is a nice addition I dont know if checkboxes can cover all strategy options (or if anyone wants to fill out a detailed query just to do a search)
Minor but Needed - Hiding Deposits / Withdrawals
제안 상자
Jan 10, 2010 at 21:01
Hi, this is minor but I'm sure that those of use with clients would find it useful if we could hide the Deposits/Withdrawals from the Trade History. - I'm displaying the Trade history but hiding the Lots/Cash Profits or Loss. Daily swaps are being recorded as withdrawals in my statements and it looks like clients are leaving my fund since most days register negative swap. (and of course this makes the remaining clients nervous for no reason) - I want to allow my clients to view the Trade history but not be thrown off my the swap deposits/withdrawals. Thank You.
Anyone trading now?
Dec 29, 2009 at 20:16
I'm keeping an eye on it just to make sure the 'bot' is operating correctly but more to view the end of year action for myself so I know what to expect next year.
Anyone trading now?
Dec 29, 2009 at 17:27
I'm getting higher DD than normal (about 10%) because smaller players can push the market around when the banks are on vacation but really not anything my system cant handle. This is the dangerous time for newbie manual traders though because the markets can move so fast and unexpectedly.
If the open trades are locked...
Dec 28, 2009 at 05:44
Ummmm.... The LTC guys weren't that smart. They basically started with smart arbitrage plays then starting taking wild and stupid risks just to keep profits growing and then OVERLEVERAGED that. They clearly expanded out of their expertise and thought they were invincible (Dont markets always do what WE think they will?) - Their Nobel Prizes only made the suckers run to signup. The EA strategy was stupid. In the end the Feds had to give em 3.63 BILLION to cover the mess and total losses were 4.6 BILLION. This is who you're holding up as EA wizards!? [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-T...
ATC Brokers
Dec 28, 2009 at 01:38
ECN and some of the best spreads of ANYBODY!!! [http://www.fxintel.com/live/] - The customer service is over the top good. Their is NO markup on the spread (thats why the spreads are so low) and only $8 per 100K commission no matter the pair traded (other ECN's factor in the Currency price which can make the commission increase/decrease). Minimum lotsize is 0.10 and micro increments are allowed (0.10, 0.11, 0.12, etc..) - If you want to stop playing market maker games and trade with a ECN that processes orders without delay, requotes or platform freezes ATC is the only game in town. Anothe...
VPS / experiences
숙련된 트레이더
Dec 21, 2009 at 00:56
Ummm... Putting programs in the startup folder DOES NOT restart them if the server reboots - This only loads them automatically ONCE YOU LOG-IN!! - To get the programs to restart if the server reboots they have to be a Windows service. I use AlwaysUP [http://www.coretechnologies.com/products/AlwaysUp/] - Very Easy, Very Sweet Software - I also have each platform set to restart every 24 hr to clear out MT4 memory leaks. (Kool option you should use if your EA can be restarted without forgetting any settings. Good EA's are built to withstand random reboot)
VPS / experiences
숙련된 트레이더
Dec 19, 2009 at 20:15
1) Yep, its just a remote computer so you can really do almost anything you want.2) At least 512MB3) No - Dont install any Anti-Virus. Most VPS services have network level protection installed. Just do not casually surf the web on your VPS. Play it very safe and surf only when absolutely needed - I only get on the web to access my email for executables I send to myself or to download platforms ONLY.
200-500% monthly profit
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 16, 2009 at 02:50
Are you on CRACK!! 69.66% Floating Loss Drawdown!! (12/15/09)
FX Equity Builder
트레이딩 시스템
Dec 13, 2009 at 10:59
DANGER Will Robinson! Its a Martingale - http://www.4xproject.com/robot/review/equity-builder/
VPS / experiences
숙련된 트레이더
Dec 12, 2009 at 03:28
OMG!! VPSLand Sucks - Since I switched to ForexVPS (and am quite happy) - My VPSLand server went down and stayed down for DAYS!! - came up for a few minutes then went down again!! - came up for air then went down AGAIN!! and is still down even as I write this. Its basically been down for the past week almost non-stop. I just couldnt take it anymore and told them to kill the service - refund me for the rest of the month and pro-rate me the down days. They absolutely suck!! - If you're a client login to your server and goto speakeasy.net/speedtest and test the NY transfer speed. You'll b...
성공 사례
Dec 09, 2009 at 00:17
OMG!! - FAP51 - What a fuckin' rip-off!! And I'd bet that its a cracked copy of FAP at that. Prob not a single line of original code. These hackers have NO shame.
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
숙련된 트레이더
Dec 06, 2009 at 09:17
Touche' - VERY Nice post. The only point I quibble with is the 'hiding' trades comment. Some systems can be reverse engineered by watching the open/pending orders. Myfxbook allows you to compute the drawdown so its really not hidden for system trackers but I agree with the other 99% written. Trying to double your account every month is a recipe for disaster - Forex allows us to make what I consider astronomical returns (10% to 30+%) monthly with relative safety. Playing FX or BUST is for newbies.
VPS / experiences
숙련된 트레이더
Dec 04, 2009 at 23:08
I switched from VPSLand to ForexVPS last week AND I AM SO HAPPY!!! - My VPSLand server went down on Thursday and its still NOT up!! Since I'm not using it, I just want to see how long its gonna take for them to put it back up -JERKS!!
트레이딩 시스템
Nov 12, 2009 at 22:36
I agree that honest users will pay for it BUT the crooks will decompile the EA and sell it. YOU'LL BE COMPETING WITH YOURSELF!! - A lot of the EA's on the market right now are copies of working EA's. DeMark Lines EA=(Artemis, Forex Crusher) - ParabolicEA=(Transformer/Conqueror/Vampire/Espionage/Slasher) - Oktat=(PipZu) - Pseudocarcharias=(Forex Wonder) - Divergence Trader=(Pipsleader) - VForce EA=(MagicMachine). All of the Commercial EA's in "()" are 100% copies of the FREE source EA's. How do your think the original authors feel about their work being stolen and...
VPS / experiences
숙련된 트레이더
Nov 05, 2009 at 22:26
I'm with VPSLand and I give them a C+ - There will be long periods of perfect service then frustrating outages and trading week reboots. I use AlwaysUP to deal with the reboots so thats not a problem anymore but there can be trading week outages at random times. I'm actually considering Commercial Network Services or Godaddy VPS services. - I actually think that Godaddy might be the better service even though they are more expensive. - VPSLand guarantees 99.9% uptime but you wont get that!! - Its in the high 90's but you wont like those offtime fractionals.
성공 사례
Oct 25, 2009 at 15:31
I cant handle the emotions of trading so I taught the rules of my approach to my robot the wont hesitate to execute them. My robot make MORE money than I can because it executes the plan without fail 100% of the time. I know that manual trading is the MOST profitable approach but everyone isnt cut out to trade manually (I'm not!) - Its still human logic but takes advantage of robot 24/5 monitoring and fearless execution. It took me years to learn a profitable trading strategy so there no getting around the learning requirement but once cracked whats the issue with implementing that knowled...
Add FLOATING Profit/Loss
제안 상자
Oct 23, 2009 at 14:10
Thank you for considering it. Also if the floating is positive can it be green and if negative red? Thnx!!
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