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Is demo trading enough before real account?
신규 트레이더
Oct 07, 2016 at 10:39
I've no idea why someone would say trading demo is a waste of time. It's great when you first start for learning your chosen trading platform or testing systems you've either created or picked up from somewhere. It's good practise without risking real money but it's not the same as trading with a real account, when your hard earned dollars are on the line you will find your decision making process can be very different to trading a demo account.I found it very beneficial to trade with a very small live account trading micro lots to start with ie $200 or there abouts. I do...
Is demo trading enough before real account?
신규 트레이더
Apr 10, 2016 at 13:28
Start making money, you'll soon find out.
Trading Psychology
신규 트레이더
Apr 09, 2016 at 10:40
I agree with most of what you say Keiran but I can't agree that all lower time frames are just noise and a strategy cannot be built around them. M1 fair enough, I have no idea how anyone can consistently beat the spread let alone make a profit. We trade nothing but M5 and have done so for the last 18 months but even so I don't consider us scalpers, some of our trades will go for a few hours. We've built a good and reliable rules based mechanical system around M5 and M15 over the last 3 years so it can be done although I do appreciate that for anyone just starting out higher time...
Trading Psychology
신규 트레이더
Apr 08, 2016 at 10:14
That's a bit harsh isn't it? :) So if you can manage to quit smoking all of a sudden you're gonna be a gun trader, sorry but laughing my ass off here. That's an absolute load of garbage.The other thing I've got an issue with is time frames. So many of you guys say get on longer time frames and the psychology issues go away. Of course they do, you step away from the screen hoping and praying trades go your way. That's not learning to deal with emotions, that's side stepping the issue completely. It's just my opinion but there's nothing like sitting in fr...
Is demo trading enough before real account?
신규 트레이더
Apr 04, 2016 at 08:28
With all due respect guys why would you be trading with brokers these days that are not true ECN's? There is no need to trade with bucket shop brokers any more even if you're trading 10 cents a pip and a $200 account. If your stop gets hunted with an ECN broker then it's not the broker, it's the banks and big players and they don't give a damn about retail traders and they can't see your stops either, if you get taken out you are just collateral damage. If you're trading longer term the answer is don't put your stops in really obvious places, the bank traders...
IS MA CROSS OVER itself an effective trading strategy
신규 트레이더
Apr 04, 2016 at 06:42
Hi jchan, I can only comment on what we've done but we've been working on our system for over 3 years and gradually improved it over that time. 18 months ago we started automating the rules but purely for entries and not set and forget, personally I believe 100% is near on impossible or at least it has been for me. I think anyone that is considering an EA needs a system that performs in the market first, not just on demo and for at least 6 months. We've had 9 upgrades to ours as the system has evolved and it's now working very well and exactly as our system requires it to. ...
Trading Psychology
신규 트레이더
Apr 03, 2016 at 06:53
I was talking about walking away for hours on end, a poor attempt at humour.
IS MA CROSS OVER itself an effective trading strategy
신규 트레이더
Apr 03, 2016 at 06:30
Hello again jchan, the system I referred to on the other thread that we've developed is an MA crossover system but it has many more rules than a simple cross over. I think the comments from people above are all correct, a simple cross over and no other rules will probably send you broke. Over the last 18 months we've had an EA developed for us based on our system rules purely for entries and there's around 10 different things the EA looks for before it places an entry. Good luck on your journey.
Is demo trading enough before real account?
신규 트레이더
Apr 03, 2016 at 06:30
Hi jchan, there's lots of reasons but personally I don't think the market changing is one of them. One of the things I read very early on was that once you find a system that suits you stick with it which many people don't do. They get a few losses and decide the system doesn't work and then change it. The next system they find isn't the Holy Grail so it's rinse and repeat and they end up going round in circles. What these same people don't realise is that it's not the system failing, it's them. There are loads of good systems out there that work, it...
Is demo trading enough before real account?
신규 트레이더
Apr 01, 2016 at 09:01
As Mark Douglas said, paper trading or demo trading is very good for showing us our "profit gap" and most of us have them, the difference between our results on demo/paper trading versus live. It shows us how much we need to improve. Personally I believe demo accounts have been very helful but that's just me. To the OP, "is that enough?". When I first started trading a few years ago I just read heaps for about 4-5 months before I even opened a demo account and I constantly read from the pros that it takes 3-5 years to "get it". I thought yeah right, not m...
Trading Psychology
신규 트레이더
Apr 01, 2016 at 07:21
Sounds good but I think I might be blowing a few accounts doing that on M5 😀. Personally I've found the books, interviews and anything else I can get my hands on involving Mark Douglas (RIP) a great help when trying to understand the human side of trading. What a shame that we are always and without fail the weakest link.
Good Trading Results 700% in 3 weeks BUT what should i do next?
숙련된 트레이더
Apr 01, 2016 at 06:40
I love forums when I get spare time, they're hilarious!
What is your daily target??
숙련된 트레이더
Mar 31, 2016 at 06:52
Forums are amazing things. Why is it that because some individuals cannot achieve a certain thing themselves or they do things differently then immediately that thing cannot be achievable or a different methodology is wrong. There are few things that are categorically right or wrong in trading and there's a million ways to skin the trading cat. I'm a day trader on low TF's and if I didn't have a daily goal I'd theoretically be in the market all day long. I prefer to be out of the market as opposed to in it and as soon as I've hit my goal or maximum losses for the da...
Expose them.
Mar 31, 2016 at 06:52
The guy can't trade if his life depended on it but he will gladly take your monthly fees and the lies come for free.
Low time frame trading vs. High time frame trading.
숙련된 트레이더
Dec 16, 2015 at 09:34
Four pages of complete bollucks! It's horses for courses and there are advantages and disadvantages in both but there is one thing for sure, trading successfully, profitably and most importantly, consistently, will be the hardest thing you've ever done in your life and it will take 2-5 years to get it right and that's if you survive that long. If you do survive that long and have put in the effort and screen time then you'll either have built your own system or perfected something you've found, bought or come across and made it work. The argument is moot, time frames are ...
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