Alpari UK
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Naughty naughty, your a very naughty boy! - http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/final/alpari.pdf
I read it all so you don't have to! Essentially over a 2 year period they did not adequately carry-out due diligence with all their customers from high risk nations like Nigeria as a result they failed to meet FSA regulations as a broker and thus;
'Alpari’s failings in the relevant period are viewed as being serious as they exposed Alpari UK to the risk of being used to facilitate financial crime.'
They were fined £200,000 and paid £140,000 a 30% discount for paying early!
Guys I hate to tell you this but the demo feed is never the same as the live feed. It's impossible.
Having said that has anyone looked into this "Swiss" broker MigBank. From the outside it looks like it might be a good one as far as keeping funds safe, the spreads are high. They do have a strong media presence advertise on Bloomberg etc.
Once Dukascopy MT4 is fully in operational ,its the best broker that one should open an account with.As regards Alpari,the demo feeds is not the same with live feeds,the spread is very tight on demo while on live account is wider.Thats not good at all.
yep 1.5 % ... kinda thieves 🙃
when we use credit card, take some costs.
It was no fee last year. It's a pity.
One of my best broker ! !
I tried a demo acc and now i've got a real acc
As a lot of brokers, they propose MT4 - GOOD 😄
There is a lot of Requoting - RIDICULOUS 😡
Execution of order takes somtinme more then 10 SECONDES - SO UNPROFESSIONAL 😂
The spreads are decent - GOOD 😐
Open an acc and ithdraw money is easy - GOOD 😄
I'll stay with them because i don't do scalping but otherwise that would not be possible to stay... 😐
Trading with Alpari UK for almost a year now and so far so good. 😉
I opened an Alpari Uk account because the person who's signals i follow also uses Alpari. However, he uses Alpari US and what i did not know at the time is that they are actually both setup as different companies and so spread sizes vary and because they use different banks (Alpari Uk uses Barclays, Deutsche Bank among others, while Alpari US uses banks on their side of the pond) crucially for me the price feed is quite different from one another. Of course neither is Alpari's fault - although the same name they are set up as different entities and that's just how it is - it was therefore purely my presumption that it would all be the same, so, i say this for what's its worth to someone that might otherwise make the same assumption as me.
The reason I chose Alpari UK was that as a uk resident i figured it would just be easier to fund and withdraw money. I like to avoid Bank transfer fees and the time involved with this process and therefore prefer and look for UK-based brokers. So, initially funding was easy and quick with a debit card and the money resurfaced in my trading account within a couple hours at most. This is very important to me and can be crucial even- the ability to add funds quickly at a whim, either to protect margin call, or so as to be able to re-enter a trade at a new better level.
Unfortunately, lately there was an issue where they were fixing their debit/credit card payment system and they did not accept payment by those methods. This was an inconvenience i was willing to accept over the weekend or for a day, but in fact it has carried on for several weeks. Yes, weeks! several of them! What is more no one was able to even say when this would be finished and no date was given. Only now as of writing have i been told that they are looking to have the issue concluded in 2 weeks time. This has meant that i've had to transfer funds via bank transfer and although because both banks are in the uk there were no fees involved, it did mean waiting 4 working banking days. Ok, this might be a one-off disruption of service and irrelevant to users after and once this is settled but it lacked imagination and care to ask their customers to bear this for so long.
Finally, the only other thing that bothers me about Apari UK is that all their staff all seem to be French? I have nothing against France, which is one of my favourite countries and i speak french too, but i do find it odd that when i call in with a technical query or otherwise to Alpari UK, i always get someone with a heavy french accent. If they have that many French clients then why not have a number people can press on the switchboard, to get through to them? but as an english-speaking person to feel you're talking to a french person who is doing their best to speak to you in english lacks a certain clarity. It can be a real barrier. Maybe not a biggie, but it annoys me a little...
They do have these promotions but the amount of lots required to trade to qualify to receive them means they are meaningless carrots. I'd prefer to see real incentives and bonuses given without qualification.
As far as execution is concerned, sometimes requotes are required even though like everyone they claim instant execution, so, as expected even if it is frustrating when it happens, but that is true with most brokers i think.
Overall, i see nothing special about Alpari... very run of the mill broker - not the worst but not the best either, imho.
I used Alpari for a while. They are not suitable for scalping the Asian session and that is why I left.
It is easy to open an account with them, they process your deposit quickly and they refund your funds quickly enough as well. They allow microlots(0.01) and offer good leverage.
I have yet to see a broker that does not widen spreads during the Asian session, so I cannot fault them for this. I have learnt the hard way thay scalping is an ECN/STP game and it takes an exceptional strategy to succeed at a market maker. This is a trading fundamental rather than a shortcoming with Alpari.
Given the purported size of the broker, I think that their trade instruments are somewhat limited.
My overall finding is that Alpari is one of the better bucketshops out there and if some-one is just starting out and if you are trading longer term strategies, then Alpari is ok.
alpari is suck. their spread widen in asian market since the new floating spread applied on aug 19. The spread will kill ea even trade eurusd. Mostly the spread ranges between 44-150 (4.4-15 pips away!!!). Stay away from alpari and move to JadeFX or another pure STP/ECN broker.
this broker tends to increase spread during asian time already compared to last time probably denying/reducing trades from EA <img src="http://static.myfxbook.com/images/smiley-sad.png" alt="😞" class="img-responsive dont-change-dark" loading="lazy">
I don't know you, but I like this broker, withdrawals are fast, customer service are good, and very strict to open an account, which is good and spreads sometime are very large. Recommended!
best thing i like about alpari is they are having offices in many countries it makes easy to approach them