FXPRIMUS Primus Markets INTL Ltd
THIRD PARTY MANAGED SEGREGATED FUNDS. Your funds are being administered separately from our own. Third party administrators also act as signatories for all client transactions.
FULLY AUDITED. One of very few brokerages to undergo annual audit. This is to provide you the comfort that we are indeed above board and use fair policies prescribed by law.
3RD PARTY MONITORING FOR CLIENT WITHDRAWALS BY BOUDICA CLIENT TRUST. FXPRIMUS has set a new industry benchmark in safety of funds, by appointing the Boudica Client Trust to oversee the withdrawal requests of client accounts, without delays to the client.
FXPRIMUS is fully regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission and adhere to all local regulatory requirements.
NEGATIVE BALANCE PROTECTION. Your balance is protected from extreme market volatility
TOP TIER BANKING INSTITUTIONS. FXPRIMUS provides institutional grade liquidity solutions via Tier 1 banks.
Our Strengths
FXPRIMUS offers you the technology, liquidity, fund security, training and priority customer support needed to stay a step ahead in today's markets. Our trading environment supports all types of traders ranging from first-timers to professionals.
We have partnered with industry leaders to provide cutting-edge technology, speedy execution, and low-latency solutions to our clients to ensure the most optimal trading environment through strategic placement of trading servers, and robust software and hardware. Our team has in the past developed and maintained infrastructures that were used by hedge fund managers in executing high frequency trades resulting in tens of thousands of trades per day with each trade only lasting milliseconds. We don't just only understand the importance of a robust infrastructure but actually have the experience in developing one.
FXPRIMUS only offers executable pricing. This means that if the rate is available at the price you are trying to execute at, you will receive it. FXPRIMUS and its liquidity providers do not and will not manipulate pricing.
Fund Security
FXPRIMUS lets you trade with unprecedented assurance and security. We take enormous measures to make sure your funds are handled in the safest way possible. At FXPRIMUS, all traders receive the same institutional hedge fund style protection.
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One of Best PH Local Broker with Low Spread, Fast Execution and Suitable for EA Scalper.
I am an analyst, trading signal provider and fund manager. I started business with FxPrimus more than 6 months ago. I am surprised that the company provides exceptionally good support and customized solution to my clients and me. Generally big companies don't care about every single IB or every single client and they give you default facilities whatever is preset by the company. But, FxPrimus goes beyond its default things and customizes the things as per clients' need. For example, they have PAMM service for fund manager but they are giving me separate MAM.
Jacki Grewal from FxPrimus is highly supportive business development manager. He always helps me as well as my clients. He helps in business expansion like nobody from no comoany does.
THE BROKER is true STP, never had any execution problem even during news trading in any of my clients' accounts (account type: variable).
Besides these good things, Professional Indemnity Insurance by Howden, a group of FCA UK regulated insurance service provider, is a peculiar thing about FxPrimus. The insurance covers up to $2.5 million. I have personally checked the authenticity of this insurance as well as authenticity of insurance brokers and underwriters. In case of any dispute(s), the company thus can easily pay the client without running in any financial problem. Thus I deem FxPrimus financially stable and there is no chance of insolvency
Anyone have any experience with FXPrimus as of lately?
They've gotten CYSEC regulated and are offering a payoneer card for withdrawals.
By definition if the spread if fixed it can't be 15pips...you underwent slippage that's it.
Yesterday fomc news they have a 15 pips spread on fixed spread account, what do u all think?
i use fxprimus and i find very good broker, very fast, only i get a problem with support, that did not solve my problem and i solved alone.
anyone with latest comment.
i am on demo with fxprimus. i know that they of fer 1 to 1 coaching if our funding is usd 250 or more. any comments.
I have been with this Broker for two years and I recommend. I never have any problem with them. Server always on line, spread low, fast support. Really excellent.
Does anyone has feedback on :
10 standards lots trades : is it as quick and easy as 0.01 lot ?
Execution time : is it ok? Like 150-300ms ?
Hope a day they will lower a little bit their commission... 7USD would be nice.
ECN premier
spread : good
commission : 10USD
execution : NDD super fast ( avg. 200ms )
support : fast
advantage : absolutely no slippage on stop order
spread : exellent
commission : 10USD
execution Dealing Desk ( avg. 1000ms )
support : slow
advantage : No slippage during normal market conditions
yes i just open an ECN account with this broker no experience yet .......
The ECN ac comm at $10 per STD lot is way too high not acceptable. I switch from ECN to variable rate ac with no comm better off. Spread is easily offset with the comm you paid out. Other thru this another issue is their server and MT4 like to drop connection oncw awhile frequently few times a day but get reconnected automatically almost without noticing.
It's the best broker we have used so far. However, fundings and withdrawals suffer from slight delay sometimes. Executions are great. Order get filled the same was regardless a $100 account or $100k account. No stop loss hunting and no weird order manipulations. We get 5x less re-qoutes as compared to other broker we use previously, we suffer very mininal spread fluatuation as well, no more weird 20pips 50pips spike for spread during news anymore.
Our EA runs great with FXPRIMUS. This is a highly recommended broker.
We do hope you to offer PAMM service or P/L allocation with your MAM facility. Currently, it is limited to 0.01 ($0.10 per pip), causing some of our managed EA not able to run on FXPRIMUS with fundings lesser than usd$3k.
I trade live with this broker every day .ECN account is great. Low spread, Orders get filled without problems. No stop hunting . Service is very good. Very easy and fast deposit and withdrawal. I can recommend this broker to all kinds of traders.😄
Spread: Good
Exec Speed: Fast
Service: Excellent
Funding and Withdraw: Fast and Good
Commission: A little bit high(10 dollar per 1 lot)
My advice: if your not mind the commission, this broker is the first choose! Recommend!😄
Has anyone has issues with running EAs with FX Primus? My EAs are running well on Alpari UK, but have lots of problems getting them to run correctly on FX Primus. Of course FX Primus won't help me get this sorted.
Funding and withdrawing capabilities are great. They offer funding through local bank account via Global Collect ($5 fee). Withdrawing is possible to a credit card, that can be ordered at FXPRIMUS ($15 fee one-time).
They offer true ECN account from $2,500, spreads are as low as 0.0 pips (yes, 0.0 pips). Have seen this many times in USDJPY. already on my live accunt. And from 0.2 pips EURUSD.
Even though the spreads are great at the ECN account, they don't get full points in pricing. That's because, I find $10 per lot (round turn) a little bit high. It get's down to $8 if you trade 250 lots per month.
But beside that, I have nothing to complain!
deposit and payment system is still need to be developed and upgraded with more possibilities and flexibilities