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CFTC steps up to the plate to knock another one down - http://www.cftc.gov/ucm/groups/public/@lrenforcementactions/documents/legalpleading/enfkingdomcomplaint012611.pdf
I think this can explain about, and indeed, where ur deposit is ur personal choice. I also have account with fxcm uk, migbank, fxopen etc. I withdrew my accounts from interbank and fxdd /USA based brokerage, coz NFA issues on hedging restriction and FIFO rules etc. but like I said they / kingdom I much like coz they have better spreads, commissions and they show banks/lps where the feed goes.
So its up to you, my point is I have no trouble and make money with, I can diversities my portofolio.
Thank you,
I just commented on the Mini Hedge Fund Discussion at http://bit.ly/cAW7m8. FYI I reproduce the post below.
"I see that your broker operates from the UK and US. Are you aware that their UK address is a maildrop? Nothing wrong with that of itself but what is cause for concern is that there are only two registered FSA firms at that address as you can see at http://bit.ly/c7iwtM and neither are Kingdom Forex.
When you combine both elements my conclusion is I would not place funds there and I would be interested in knowing your reasons for choosing this broker.
Of note also on their very attractive website is they do also appear to be a little confused at to where they have offices. On the FAQ they state they only have headquarters in Las Vegas but their Contact page clearly shows their maildrop address."