watch this video. can be interesting

Jul 22, 2011 at 17:43
1,103 Replies
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 22, 2011 at 17:43
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 22, 2011 at 17:55
arbitrage between two ECn brokers wıth two MT4 platforms.
have fun.
Biedrs kopš   541 ieraksti
Jul 25, 2011 at 16:41

walker36 posted:
arbitrage between two ECn brokers wıth two MT4 platforms.
have fun.

Excuse me, but am I missing something? Where's the arbitrage? In both cases, the trades were closed for a total loss.
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 25, 2011 at 17:17
no you are not mıssıng and you are rıght.
but dont forget the setup has been made for 0.5 pıp for the show or I should leave the vıdeo capture for a long tıme whıch ıs not possıble.
thıs vıdeo shows that any gap that has been setuo by the user wıll be cathed by the codes and and trades wıll be opened ın both MT4 at the SAME tıme. SPEED ıs the key. thıs system ıs not wrıtıng and readıng fıles from HD or regıstery. ıt ıs usıng memory whıch ıs the fastest way.

you can setup the gap as much as you can. ofcıourse thıs make user waıt longer but ofcourse winner.

Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 25, 2011 at 17:29

see the current open posıtıon whıch ıs runnıng ın profıt wıth entry gap 2.50 pıp. also sonsıder the comıssıons.

thıs can not be run other then ECN broker due the requotes.

Biedrs kopš   541 ieraksti
Jul 25, 2011 at 18:05
Ok, I see.

So it's an EA communicating with both MetaTrader instances? It would be interesting to know which brokers the arbitrage works with - I'm guessing with small/shady brokers which use deal desks?
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 25, 2011 at 18:11
if you do thıs wıth same broker as trıangular arbıtrage or prıce correctıon then you have the smokıng gun ın your hand.
whıch any of those two brokers knows that thıs ıs an arbıtrage. ıf you look from broker sıde customer walker36 opened a trade Long on eurusd and the other the opposıte. do they know each other no, ofcourse ıf I dont brıng them to the same table.

Biedrs kopš   541 ieraksti
Jul 25, 2011 at 18:30
So are you able to consistently take advantage with such setup?
I'm assuming it's a product you've selling?
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 25, 2011 at 18:43
to be faır ı dıd start thıs project to see ıf I can do ıt. started wıth read/wrıte fıles then regıstery then memory.
as you can see from the pıcture above ın navıgator there are 10s of dıfferent versıons of thıs set of EA. thıs system ıs ıncludıng
- 1 EA
- 2 Scrıpt EA s
- 1 dll

I am stıll ımprovıng ıt to make ıt stable. due the error handlıng from 2 MT4 ıs dıffıcoulf but nearly resolved.

I wıll sell the latest versıon ıf ı make money from ıt.

I was always askıng myself when I junp ın to froex 4 years ago, why people sell the product makes money for themselves.
now I know the answer becouse they can. and thıs does not make them loose money. they can stıll make money wıth the system and make also others make money forex ıs bıg pocket full wıth other peoples money ıncludıng ours.
but you should know how to take ıt from there.

when ıt wıll be ready I wıll let you know.

Biedrs kopš   541 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 06:39
It's a nice concept I remember reading about a long time ago. I've also read that test arbitrage opportunities are very rare which make it difficult to capitalize on.

How many of such set-ups do you see in a day? Can it happen that the EA closes the positions while in profit, but until the positions are actually closed, you're already in a loss?
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 07:54
Thank you.

the concept is, trade must start with in profit. so when both orders are opened the balance should be positive. then system will wait for another price jump or step-ups as you have said to exit.
so when system is waiting to exit it is in already profit. the next opposite price jump for exit is the to make exit safer.

avarage 5-10 jumps a day so far

Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 09:45

as you can see the tarde posted earlier closed with a good profit. the one before and the next 2.
currently programming a new and faster dll to improve speed and consistancy but unfortunatelly I am using the same accounts to make those tests and improvements so you will see some some of the trades lost.
but if you sum up overall still in profit.


Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 10:31
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 10:34
and closed in profit

Biedrs kopš   541 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 11:28

walker36 posted:
Thank you.

the concept is, trade must start with in profit. so when both orders are opened the balance should be positive. then system will wait for another price jump or step-ups as you have said to exit.
so when system is waiting to exit it is in already profit. the next opposite price jump for exit is the to make exit safer.

avarage 5-10 jumps a day so far


What's the average pip profit on these round trip trades? 2 pips?

Also, isn't it simply taking advantage of a feed delay of a broker?
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 11:41
profit is depending on the enty and exit setup done by the user +- the slippage.
slippage can be + or - and the codes monitoring the entry and exit slippages for best exit strategy and entering the new trade.

`isn't it simply taking advantage of a feed delay of a broker? `
becouse this system has to work on VPS with min latency to both brokers. this means system is NOT catching the delays.
NO ONE can not make ANY profit from feed delays. feed is delaying on customer side NOT on broker side,
so if a system detects a delay and send an order to the server the order open price will be server price not user platform price.

SO where is the profit coming from for unique EURUSD pair.

SIMPLE. it is coming form the differences from different brokers cash providers and their server reactions. different brokers has different customers and different banks connected with for the cash. all these different setups creating very small differencies between their prices.


Biedrs kopš   541 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 11:45

walker36 posted:
profit is depending on the enty and exit setup done by the user +- the slippage.
slippage can be + or - and the codes monitoring the entry and exit slippages for best exit strategy and entering the new trade.

`isn't it simply taking advantage of a feed delay of a broker? `
becouse this system has to work on VPS with min latency to both brokers. this means system is NOT catching the delays.
NO ONE can not make ANY profit from feed delays. feed is delaying on customer side NOT on broker side,
so if a system detects a delay and send an order to the server the order open price will be server price not user platform price.

SO where is the profit coming from for unique EURUSD pair.

SIMPLE. it is coming form the differences from different brokers cash providers and their server reactions. different brokers has different customers and different banks connected with for the cash. all these different setups creating very small differencies between their prices.


I appreciate your excellent explanation.

Are you working with 2 brokers only? Or do you run the EA on say 10 brokers and open/close positions on both extremes?
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 11:55
thank you

this code can not run more then one pair or more then 2 brokers at the same time. this will dramaticly reduce the speed.
SPEED is the KEY.
No need to explain but NO ONE can catch the last tick for entering the trade seen on the screen even if you are looking at the brokers server data. but you can catch the next one and if you have enough gap to eliminate the - slippage then this will make profit for you.

the average tick movement for the EURUSD is 0.35 pips. ofcourse this can be bigger and smaller. the code setup calculating all these parameters and catching the next tick if it s going to be a profit trade. But nothing is %100 though.

Biedrs kopš   541 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 14:25

walker36 posted:
thank you

this code can not run more then one pair or more then 2 brokers at the same time. this will dramaticly reduce the speed.
SPEED is the KEY.
No need to explain but NO ONE can catch the last tick for entering the trade seen on the screen even if you are looking at the brokers server data. but you can catch the next one and if you have enough gap to eliminate the - slippage then this will make profit for you.

the average tick movement for the EURUSD is 0.35 pips. ofcourse this can be bigger and smaller. the code setup calculating all these parameters and catching the next tick if it s going to be a profit trade. But nothing is %100 though.


Very interesting. And when do you see most of these setups happening - in volatile moves or when there is low liquidity?
Biedrs kopš   1329 ieraksti
Jul 26, 2011 at 14:42
any time.
do not compare this system with trend or counter trend trade or Asian scalpers.
this system is waiting a distortion in the price regarding to other broker.

distortion is bad thing for the broker due the price is moved away from where it should be, but it happens becouse nothing is perfect as I explained earlier post,

the unique thing for this system is following
one of the most famous Asian scalper has sold around 40-50 k copies. and it is creating t is own slippage. this is killing its own trades, creators has added random entry time window so each copy entering the trade in different time form each other due to low liquidity. but still having problem.

fortunatelly for this system, it is not possible to enter trades at the same time.
each user has to set up to same gap which not possible
each user has to use the same pair which not possible
each user has to use the same two brokers which not possible


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