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Biedrs kopš
1 ieraksti
Oct 05, 2021 at 11:51
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1 ieraksti
While the latest results from Australia and New Zealand appear to be bleak, China and the United Kingdom are offering declining COVID-19 numbers to keep purchasers hopeful. It's worth noting that Japan's political worries over new elections are joining the Sino–US tussles in challenging the bulls. Market mood is further weighed down by talk of the European Central Bank (ECB) cutting bond purchases due to strong inflation statistics from the EU, as well as confusion over the Fed's future steps amid confusing data.
Biedrs kopš
742 ieraksti
Oct 05, 2021 at 14:11
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742 ieraksti
What is the current status of XAUUSD? What do you think?
Biedrs kopš
447 ieraksti
Oct 06, 2021 at 13:45
Biedrs kopš
447 ieraksti
The USD could be stronger. Because, fundamental impact momentum can be seen.
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