FIN888 (By ositek)

Pieaugums +2014.54%
Kritums (Drawdown) 2.99%
Pipi: 5943.9
Darījumi 1735
Tips Reāls
Kredīta plecs: 1:100
Tirdzniecība Nav zināms


Jun 01, 2020 at 08:34
67 Replies
Biedrs kopš   17 ieraksti
Jan 11, 2021 at 01:47
Hi Drayzen,

Unfortunately no...

Right now we have over 6.000 Subscriber since Oct 2019
and our members Withdraw nearly every day

Biedrs kopš   17 ieraksti
Jan 11, 2021 at 01:48
If you decide like to try

To join FIN888 must use special Link

FIN888 is Exclusive to SamtradeFX

Robot is FREE, Profit Sharing as follow
USD 1.000 to 9.999, 65%
USD 10.000+, 75%

Peter Sufandri, WA +62 878 7760 2038
Biedrs kopš   16 ieraksti
Feb 08, 2021 at 06:39
A gain of 441.07% is very good if you ask me. Even your system looks amazing. Keep it up!
Biedrs kopš   116 ieraksti
Feb 19, 2021 at 06:46
Broker is known to be a dubious bucket shop, ie. chances of this being a scam is very high.

Great looking system and the history not being hidden is something that we see to rarely on these pages but I have to agree with this comment above. Transferring money to a broker that is incorporated in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is inviting trouble. It would be very easy to set up an IB with a reputable broker.
If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.
Biedrs kopš   16 ieraksti
Mar 02, 2021 at 04:21
The system looks good to me but I would like to know more about this. Do you mind sharing if this system is manual or automated and the strategies you’ve used for this. Thanks.
Biedrs kopš   17 ieraksti
Mar 02, 2021 at 12:03
The system is 50/50: Half Auto

Robot looking for Entry point
Candle Stick Reversal Pattern

once found, report to trader

trader check visually and entry trade

then wait for 5 min. If reverse then Take Profit, if not Cut Loss.

Money management, only use 10% of capital. Never stay Overnite

Mar 09, 2021 at 23:28
drayzen posted:
Hi @ositek,
Can you run your system with a more reputable broker so I can subscribe?

Peter, you can quite easily keep your investors with SamTradeFX and then use a good "Forex Copier" software for people that do not wish to use SamTradeFX for whatever reason. Seems like you are losing out on a bigger / global position here?

Stephen Smith.
Biedrs kopš   7 ieraksti
Mar 10, 2021 at 11:43
Hello I saw your message and your where speaking about "Forex Copier" what tool can we use for it you think? @tigerinvestments
Biedrs kopš   17 ieraksti
Mar 11, 2021 at 02:04
Some FIN888 investor did that
they try to copy to other broker
it won't work

cause Samtrade is STP/ECN with Aggregation pricing system
and most brokers are inhouse dealing desk and hence using diffrent LPs
Biedrs kopš   17 ieraksti
Mar 11, 2021 at 02:10
Comments: Great looking system and the history not being hidden is something that we see to rarely on these pages but I have to agree with this comment above. Transferring money to a broker that is incorporated in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is inviting trouble. It would be very easy to set up an IB with a reputable broker.

Yes I am aware of this issue. must be very careful to Off Shore Brokers.
Good news is I know the Owner of Samtrade

I have visited his office in Singapore on July 2019
He is Singaporean and first thing I ask is How about Safety of Investors FUND?

His answer
1. We are not Regulated by MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) but St.Vincent, he is not hiding anything
2. Investor fund is with Custodian
3. We also have Insurance if we SCAM. Small investor upto EURO 20K / person. Big Investor from 100K to 3 MIllion
Biedrs kopš   116 ieraksti
Mar 11, 2021 at 13:08
Saint Vincent and the Grenadine have ZERO regulations. Even if what you say is true, and we only have your word that any of it is true, if things go bad, good luck trying to get your money back from Saint Vincent and Grenadine. It would be very easy to allow people to trade with reputable and regulated brokers.
If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.
Mar 12, 2021 at 22:49
GolmanGolden posted:
Hello I saw your message and your where speaking about "Forex Copier" what tool can we use for it you think? @tigerinvestments

I did write back on this forum, but I broke the golden rule, and that was place 3rd party software on this platform.

If you still require help, then PM me.

Stephen Smith.
Biedrs kopš   2 ieraksti
Mar 16, 2021 at 07:35

I signed up to your link on samtradefx to profit from your strategy, but copying trades to my samtradefx account is not happening while I see trades from you. Can you fix the problem, it seems weird to me

Best regards,
Biedrs kopš   17 ieraksti
Mar 16, 2021 at 11:23
PM me your FIN888 Username
WA no +62 878 7760 2038

Peter S
Biedrs kopš   1 ieraksti
Apr 17, 2021 at 04:46
ositek posted:
To join FIN888 must use special Link

since you already open acc
give me your UserName
I will as Customer service link to my FIN888


I already have Samtradefx account. How can I copy you?
Biedrs kopš   2 ieraksti
Apr 27, 2021 at 15:18
So we are not allowed to comment on the safety of our money with your broker.
Biedrs kopš   17 ieraksti
Apr 28, 2021 at 16:19
Safety of funds in Samtrade as follow
investor funds is in custodian acc
I have copy of Singapore Lawyer to verify this
This is PLAN A

PLAN B: If Custodian fail
we can claim insurance
1. Euro 20K from Financial Commission
2. 100K to 3 Million from Falcon Insurance

Bottom line, I recommend max 20% of your cash to join FIN
If everything fail, you still have 80% in your hand
Biedrs kopš   116 ieraksti
Apr 30, 2021 at 00:16
ositek posted:
Safety of funds in Samtrade as follow
investor funds is in custodian acc
I have copy of Singapore Lawyer to verify this
This is PLAN A

PLAN B: If Custodian fail
we can claim insurance
1. Euro 20K from Financial Commission
2. 100K to 3 Million from Falcon Insurance

Bottom line, I recommend max 20% of your cash to join FIN
If everything fail, you still have 80% in your hand

None of this applies because of where the broker is
If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.
Biedrs kopš   2 ieraksti
May 09, 2021 at 01:54
Does someone can send me some Account Details like an Investor Account.
Let´s see if its legit . Cheers & Stay Safe
Biedrs kopš   4 ieraksti
May 27, 2021 at 13:24
Your system shows very good profit along with the leverage which is pretty safe. Very good work here.
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