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- MyFxBank_ChuVashov_Stanislav
MyFxBank_ChuVashov_Stanislav (By Chuvashov)
Lietotājs šo sistēmu ir atzīmējis kā privātu.
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Jan 04, 2018 at 07:26
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@ ChuVashov_Stanislav trade are automatic or manually ?
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![arty1963 arty1963](/userimages.jpg?uid=507287&id=92599&w=100&h=100)
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30 ieraksti
Mar 23, 2018 at 13:00
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successwill posted:
selling the EA?
These robots all lose their deposits. Any automation is not effective.
![arty1963 arty1963](/userimages.jpg?uid=507287&id=92599&w=100&h=100)
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30 ieraksti
Mar 23, 2018 at 13:00
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successwill posted:
selling the EA?
But bro, you can buy this robot and make sure of it. 😉
Biedrs kopš
10 ieraksti
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