Eagle Ultimate

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Reāls (USD), FBS , Tehniskā , Automatizētā , 1:500 , MetaTrader 4

Kritums (Drawdown) 25.05%

Kapitāls (98.07%)


Atjaunots 43 minutes ago
Sekošana 3
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Pieaugums (Difference) Peļņa (Difference) Pipi Win% (Difference) Darījumi (Difference) Lotes (Difference)
Today +0.00% (-0.02%) +0.0 (+83.0) 0% (-52%) 0 (-21)
This Week +0.02% (-1.57%) -72.5 (-2,275.7) 53% (-12%) 26 (-171)
This Month +2.91% (-6.77%) +4,847.3 (-4,243.0) 69% (+3%) 413 (-533)
This Year +103.66% (+38.97%) -27,659.8 (-4,359.5) 65% (-3%) 21,355 (-28093)
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Darījumi: 70,923
Pipi: -50,489.7
Average Win: 6.70 pips /
Vidēji zaudēts: -16.16 pips /
Lotes :
Sekmīga pirkšana (24,607/35,668) 68%
Sekmīga pārdošana (23,325/35,255) 66%
Labākais darījums
Sliktākais darījums
Labākais darījums(pipi): (Jul 25) 613.0
Sliktākais darījums(punkti): (Jul 25) -817.0
Vid. darījuma ilgums 6h 41m
Peļņas faktors 2.14
Standarta novirze
Šarpa koeficients 0.00
Z-Score (Probability): 311.86 (99.99%)
Gaidāms -0.7 Pipi /
AHPR: 0.00%
GHPR: 0.00%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

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