Gold Chervonets (

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Demo (USD), Alpari INT , 1:500 , MetaTrader 4

Kritums (Drawdown) 45.96%

Bilance $943.80
Kapitāls (100.00%) $943.80
Augstākais (Apr 04) $1,723.90
Peļņa $451.34
Interese -$330.23

Depozīts $500.00
Izņemts $0.00

Atjaunots Yesterday at 19:24
Sekošana 73
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Pieaugums (Difference) Peļņa (Difference) Pipi Win% (Difference) Darījumi (Difference) Lotes (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week -1.21% (-0.22%) -$11.59 (-$1.99) -188.0 (+1,922.0) 71% (+8%) 7 (-4) 0.08 (-0.11)
This Month +0.05% (+7.50%) $0.51 (+$76.38) -23.0 (+5,157.0) 76% (+18%) 25 (-6) 0.34 (-0.03)
This Year -34.68% (-33.94%) -$501.43 (-$490.71) -8,608.0 (-20,729.0) 65% (+4%) 264 (-49) 3.56 (-0.37)
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Darījumi: 1,467
Pipi: 39,942.0
Average Win: 440.86 pips / $6.22
Vidēji zaudēts: -706.21 pips / -$10.17
Lotes : 20.51
Komisijas $0.00
Sekmīga pirkšana (737/1,220) 60%
Sekmīga pārdošana (201/247) 81%
Labākais darījums (Sep 15) 260.66
Sliktākais darījums (Aug 09) -87.63
Labākais darījums(pipi): (Apr 04) 12,617.0
Sliktākais darījums(punkti): (Aug 09) -2,921.0
Vid. darījuma ilgums 8h 42m
Peļņas faktors 1.08
Standarta novirze $14.407
Šarpa koeficients 0.04
Z-Score (Probability): -6.97 (99.99%)
Gaidāms 27.2 Pipi / $0.31
AHPR: 0.05%
GHPR: 0.04%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

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Impulse candle ( -3.26% 16.55% 17.1 - 1:500 Demo
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Spring restart ( 126.59% 95.83% 212,632.6 - 1:500 Demo
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TLAP Market ( 30.35% 42.68% 5,250.7 - 1:500 Demo
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Account USV