EFX Algo Aggressive

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Reāls (USD), Ox Securities , 1:500 , MetaTrader 4

Kritums (Drawdown) 15.79%

Bilance $0.00
Kapitāls (0%) $0.00
Augstākais (Jun 26) $11,433.46
Peļņa -$60.31
Interese -$542.41

Depozīts $10,000.00
Izņemts $9,939.69

Atjaunots 15 stundas atpakaļ
Sekošana 0
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Pieaugums (Difference) Peļņa (Difference) Pipi Win% (Difference) Darījumi (Difference) Lotes (Difference)
Today +0.00% ( - ) $0.00 ( - ) +0.0 ( - ) 0% ( - ) 0 ( - ) 0.00 ( - )
This Week +0.00% ( - ) $0.00 ( - ) +0.0 ( - ) 0% ( - ) 0 ( - ) 0.00 ( - )
This Month +0.00% ( - ) $0.00 ( - ) +0.0 ( - ) 0% ( - ) 0 ( - ) 0.00 ( - )
This Year -0.60% ( - ) -$60.31 ( - ) +970.0 ( - ) 67% ( - ) 1,310 ( - ) 21.50 ( - )
Data is private.
Darījumi: 1,310
Pipi: 970.0
Average Win: 18.48 pips / $3.86
Vidēji zaudēts: -36.07 pips / -$8.15
Lotes : 21.50
Komisijas $0.00
Sekmīga pirkšana (437/632) 69%
Sekmīga pārdošana (447/678) 65%
Labākais darījums (May 02) 206.21
Sliktākais darījums (Jun 26) -578.79
Labākais darījums(pipi): (Jun 18) 243.4
Sliktākais darījums(punkti): (Jun 25) -286.4
Vid. darījuma ilgums 5d
Peļņas faktors 0.98
Standarta novirze $23.958
Šarpa koeficients 0.00
Z-Score (Probability): -17.60 (99.99%)
Gaidāms 0.7 Pipi / -$0.05
AHPR: 0.00%
GHPR: 0.00%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Atvērtie darījumi ir privāti.
Account USV