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Some Czech guys here?
Feb 09, 2015 at 11:07
jj, zialbohu je tomu tak Igor1 ...podvodnici, co predavaju alebo sa snazia zarobit na ukor inych, tu vzdy boli, su a aj budu, ako napriklad tento pan mavericks :/ ...staci sa im len vyhybat ;)Snazi sa tu, ako aj inde propagovat svoje web, kde vam ponuka 15% z penazi klienta ked mu nejakeho prinesiete http://prntscr.com/62wtyr co ponukal aj mne. On potom svojimi super 8 rocnymi skusenostami (ako sa nas snazi presvedcit), ucet klienta dostane na Margin Call do niekolko tyznov ...tomu sa hovori super trader :D Dokonca sa mi k tomu priznal, ze odpalit ucet mu nerobi ziadny problem :O ...ved jasne,...
Some Czech guys here?
Feb 07, 2015 at 20:32
blahozelam xScope, naozaj super vysledok ;) ...drzim palce a nech sa ti dari aj ak dalej :)Oki, napisem to aj tu, kedze vidim, ze rad klames a snazis sa podvadzat ludi (investorov). Takze po nasej privatnej konverzacii (s maverikom) ti to teraz poviem po slovensky, nech si to moze kazdy precitat v pohode a kedze si chcel fakty, tak ich tu mas znova.Chapem tvoju frustraciu mavericks, kedze po 8. rokoch obchodovania mas take vysledky ako mas a teda sa vobec necudujem preco klames ...je to typicke od ludi co sa snazia podvadzat inych a oklamat ich. Chces fakty, tak podme na ne:* tvoj 1. ucet &quo...
EA that actually works
Feb 07, 2015 at 19:52
i understand you are frustrated, i would be aswell if after 8 year in fx i got results like you and im not wondering why you only lie ...its typical from scammers & bullsh*tters, but if u want facts, lets look for them ;)* your 1st account Pricetrap not updated 1+ month now and equity at 59.66% http://prntscr.com/628vsl ...its fact!! (and as you told me already it was 5k and you got Margin Call less as 1 week trading) ...wooow, amazing performance Mr. M ;)http://www.myfxbook.com/members/mavericks/pricetrap/1099825* your account Crocodile not updated several weeks now and equity at 52.3...
EA that actually works
Feb 07, 2015 at 17:06
Im not 8 years experienced trades as you are telling us ;) ...but if this is the way you trade i NEVER want to like you :Dhttp://prntscr.com/627n2lDrawdown: 83.12% & Equity: 35.41% ...wooow & on the top account Updated: Jan 22 at 09:24 :D ...another margin call Mr. M?!...so everybody can make his own picture about you and way you trade Mr. M, right? ;)Please, as i told you several times, update you accounts 1st and dont try to fool investors & scam people blowing their accounts ...thank you!!
EA that actually works
Feb 07, 2015 at 16:03
Yeah, absolutely agree with u. This guy is only another bullshitter :/Just look at his accounts ...in few weeks equity down to 35% :D and accounts not updated several weeks now so guess what ...margin call?! Yep, he just confirmed PriceTrap with 5k is gone :O ...this is awesome trading & Money Management, right?No answer needed, everybody can make his own idea about it ;)
Some Czech guys here?
Oct 05, 2014 at 23:29
Uzatvarame September uspesne a otvarame Oktober rovnako dobre :)
Some Czech guys here?
Sep 14, 2014 at 23:07
jj, mas v podstate pravdu, ale momentalne je to zatial testovacia faza tento mesiac (udajne vraj chcu 3+) ...takze zialbohu som nedostal viac. Vraj ak splnim ocakavania, tak mi vraj pridaju investorov ...uvidime ;) a ak sa ti bude pacit track record, tak mozes zainvestovat kludne aj ty ak budes chciet ;)Ale nezabudni na jednu dolezitu vec. Nie je az tak podstatne kolko mas pod managementom, ale ako to manageujes. Ja nerobim s EAs ale manualne a ziadne martingale ci grid strategie, takze u mna neuvidis ziadny negativny floating pocas dlheeeeeho obdobia a ktory sa len zvacsuje ...urcite velmi do...
Some Czech guys here?
Sep 13, 2014 at 10:26
Zdravim.Od Semptebra 2014 sa zacala testovacia faza 2och PAMM uctov a ked pojde vsetko podla predstav, tak dufam, ze uz od Oktobra to rozbehneme oficialne naplno.Obchodujem manualne a vsetko robim intraday, takze ziadny negativny floating pocas niekolkych dni ci tyzdnov ...atd, ved to urcite poznate a viete o com hovorim :)Zatial viem poskytnut iba screenshoty v uctov, ale ked sa zacne oficialne, tak tu necham linky priamo na ucty. Dakujem za porozumenie, s pozdravom ...PiTeRMaN ;)
Mar 02, 2013 at 18:07
Yes Peter, you are absolutely right! This instaforex alias instascam is real shit broker!!First of all, in end of April 2011, i did try withdraw 500$ from my account, but insta made everything possible & impossible blocking & cancelling me this withdraw. At the end 16th of May 2011 i recieved money via wire transfer but only 432.38$ instead of 500$.Insta charge up to 30$ per wire but they charged me more than double!! ...never mind, lets continue.And second, here is my another live account i got with them.http://www.myfxbook.com/members/PiTERMAN/aston-gu/492613I used here some...
Zig Zag
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 31, 2011 at 08:16
Congratulation SrW !! U r doing very well ;)Salu2 ...PiTERMAN ;)
Some Czech guys here?
Apr 13, 2011 at 19:29
Zdravim vsetkych traderov.Najistejsie je pre zaciatocnikov obchodovat niekolko mesiacov na demo ucte, pokial zacnes vnimat co sa to na charte deje, hlavne pochopit psychologiu trhu, ktora hybe cenou + price action ...pretoze pravdepodobne po par tyzdnoch sa dostanes na margin call :/Na zaciatku mame stale stastie, ale potom akonahle stratis disciplinu ...buuum, ani sa nenazdas a je po ucte :(Strategii na internete najdes tisicky, ale otazka je, ze ktora z nich je dobra ;) pretoze, vacsina z nich nestoji ani za hovno ...hahahaTo iste plati aj o komercnych robotoch za cenu napr. 149 $, z ktorych...
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Apr 10, 2011 at 10:31
Im 100% agree with you Chikot ;)There are very few traders, they can show real account track record longer than 1 year and with consistent profit as Victor!! Great job mate, continue like that, wish you green pips.
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Jan 15, 2011 at 19:06
koookso, to by bolo brutalne keby si mi urobil za 2 tyzdne pri tvojej aktualnej rentabilite z 20k uctu takych dobrych 150k 😎To by sme sa mohli potom kludne mohli ist aj fifty-fifty 😁 😁😁
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Jan 15, 2011 at 09:56
Dobra otazka ;) Mna by to taktiez zaujimalo, ale ja mam eura ;)Speak later then :P
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Dec 27, 2010 at 01:41
Yep, you posting fake demo account statement 1 of your lots of account you got. Thats why you are hiding account number on february statement you are posting ;) right?You know very well, that i and other people already know you are scammer thats why i will prove that u have done this trading. Ive got your emails and other things.I will do my best, you dont get any clients from myfxbook, so you wont do more gambling or blow off more accounts. 😎
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Dec 26, 2010 at 12:08
it looks nice demo result of few days, but you should show aswell your big floating you got in opened trades !!! ...hahahaIts so easy just opening trades y close only you got profit but in rest of them you got big loosing ones ;) ...this is what you do!!Why insted dont you show screenshots accounts of people you blowed up accounts??? I can show you mine account you managed during 2 weeks in february and thaks 1 trader from serbia who awared me from SCAMMER as you are i revoked LPOA i signed with you. I lost, but better lose 1.500 € as all 5.000 €So take a look on you casino trading!!
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Dec 25, 2010 at 12:19
Really do you know haba?! ...because i can tell he is an amazing SCAMMER!!Be Aware!! In february he runned my 5.000 € account and after 1 week pure gambling i revoke LPOA and had to close down all floating :/I know few people with blowed account by him, so i have to repeat again ...BE AWARE !!!
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Jun 27, 2010 at 18:24
Great results till 21st December 2009 but after this date ...just take a look on pic ;)
Hello House, Plz I Need Advice In This Broker
Jun 10, 2010 at 01:05
AvaFX? u must b joking DDmaster!!! Its 1 of the most expensive brooker ;) I do recomend Swiss brookers as: Ducascopy, MIG Bank, ...etcIf u got 100k account so aswell i would go 4 ECN brooker as Alpari UK (no spread, no requotes) or other regulated brooker in UK as ActivTrades o Forex.com with 1 of the best spreads at the moment, what is important thing 4 scalper, right?Salu2 ...PiTERMAN ;)PS: Clovece, dufam, ze som ti trochu poradil. Slovak a Fx, ja sa asi poseriem ...hahaha Oki, pokecame ;)
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