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Binary Options Scam Broker (Need Help!)
Dec 19, 2016 at 07:48
Another scam broker found. FINANCEYARDS!!! Deposit USD250 and manage to profit to a sum of USD550. Unable to withdraw capital and i did not accept any bonus from them. I see no reason why they stop me from withdrawing my money. Fed up and i purposely loose everything in my account. Now they are sending me an email for monthly inactivity charge. WTH!!!
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Aug 17, 2016 at 09:36
Constant profit of more than 20% per month. Low drawdown. No subscription required, simply register an account with USGFX below and skype me at (alexooisq) or email me at (
[email protected]
). https://www.usgfx.com/RegAcc/RegAccStep1?culture=en-US&IB=2128q8K8P8R8K8z
Scalp Trader PRO
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 23, 2016 at 11:05
Guys... didnt you all realize something in common with Doug Price Ea? Be it Scalptrader pro, pivot trader pro, channel trader pro, vortex trader pro. There is literally no trades or even losses after products release in the market? See for yourself.http://www.myfxbook.com/members/channeltraderpro/channel-trader-pro/1283833http://www.myfxbook.com/members/pivottraderpro/pivot-trader-pro-automated/1213723http://www.myfxbook.com/members/swingtraderpro/swing-trader-pro-system/1369319http://www.myfxbook.com/members/vortextraderpro/vortex-trader-pro/1148041
Pivot Trader PRO Automated
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
May 05, 2016 at 06:54
Erm i notice that the results for Doug Price trading systems were good before release for sale, be it pivot trader pro/channel trader pro/vortex trader pro etc. But after product was release for purchase, the performance of the EA dropped. Wondering why?! Anyone agree???http://www.myfxbook.com/members/pivottraderpro/pivot-trader-pro-automated/1213723http://www.myfxbook.com/members/vortextraderpro/vortex-trader-pro/1148041http://www.myfxbook.com/members/channeltraderpro/channel-trader-pro/1283833
Binary option broker review on vision binary
Jan 11, 2016 at 08:41
Vision Binary is a scam!!! Please refer to the link below which i lodge with forexpeacearmy.http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/community/threads/guilty-case-2015-213-axel85-vs-visionbinary-com.43304/http://binarydealer.com/question/vision-binary-regulated/
Binary Options Scam Broker (Need Help!)
Dec 08, 2015 at 07:40
Dont mind share your experience? Why do you think vision binary is a scam broker? My experience with them:1. Very slow web UI.2. No iphone / android app to trade with.3. Poor customer service, they only create case on your behalf if you ring them up, will never solve your issue on the spot.4. Keep changing of account managers, seems like their employee turn around rate is very high.5. Company establish for less than a year. (Domain age 173 days) http://www.scamadviser.com/check-website/visionbinary.com6. Do things without asking for permission. (My account password was changed and they cancel ...
Binary Options Scam Broker (Need Help!)
Dec 07, 2015 at 09:03
PM send!
Binary Options Scam Broker (Need Help!)
Dec 04, 2015 at 11:06
Hi folks, i believe there are traders out there who encounter similar issue as me. My money is now stuck with my binary option broker and they refused to refund me my money. I had ring them up many times and confirmed that i had my account verified and fulfilled the trading lot size to get back all my capital. Send them plenty of emails asking for updates but no reply at all. Just received a call from a new account manager assigned to me and they still have the guts to ask me to fund my account with more capital for upcoming NFP. After i hung up the call, i notice that my withdrawal request wh...
EA to trade on MT4 (Binary Option) using RSI indicator
Oct 13, 2015 at 06:01
Hi Folks, I wanted to program an EA to trigger a position on MT4 (Binary option) when my EA gives off alert but i dont know where to start from. Thank you.I had an indicator which gives off trading signal using RSI indicator. I want to place a position be it Sell or Buy with 1 minute expiry when my indicator gives off signal. If RSI above 70 then sell else abort. If RSI below 30 then buy else abort.Can any expert out there help me with my metaeditor programming please.Thank you so much.
Binary option broker review on vision binary
Sep 26, 2015 at 15:45
GuoFeng, i guess you are right. Their job is to bring more customer to the company and help them manage our funds, just like stock brokers. Its very tempting to trade with them because 我的屋子要来了,renovation need money, 我明年也要结婚了,结婚也需要钱。你知道我的心情吗?我只是怕他们会把我所有的钱都素掉,还是我需要钱时拿不出来。Recently they had just approved my withdrawal, lets see how long it takes it reach my account.
Binary option broker review on vision binary
Sep 22, 2015 at 16:33
Hi folks, recently I came across a binary option broker called vision binary https://visionbinary.com based in London. The account manager gave me a call after I open account with them. The account manager said that he will guide me along with my trading but I need to fund my account with usd5000. After we end the call he did provide me with some trading signals and it was a winning trade. I wanted to fund my account with more capital so that I can earn faster but I hesitated. Reason being the 24 hour chat support was not working at all and the website loading is very slow. I tried to do some ...
Trading using financial news
Jauni treideri
Sep 22, 2015 at 06:11
Trading using financial news
Jauni treideri
Sep 17, 2015 at 21:08
Hi experts out there, Im quite new to forex trading and i need your expertise on how to trade using financial news. As you know there are plenty of websites which provide us with live financial news like bloomberg, forexfactory and myfxbook which is useful to our trades. May i know what are the type of financial news which is recommended to trade on. Currently i only trade using unemployment rate, retail sales and comsumer price index. Is there other news which is good to trade on? We need to compare actual result VS previous or forecast? Please advise, thank you.
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Sep 08, 2015 at 04:16
Feel free to subscribe to my signals below:https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/128024
Aug 17, 2015 at 12:51
Good broker! Everytime you trade, you earn reward points. Can use the points to exchange for electronics. Fast credit card withdrawal (2-3 days). Very slow wire transfer. Is has been 2 weeks since my withdrawal was submitted.
Broker which offers the most deposit bonus
Jauni treideri
Jul 24, 2015 at 08:31
Hi folks out there,I'm looking for brokers who offer high deposit bonus with low spread. Anyone knows any broker which fit the critical? Thanks.
Trigger position when indicator gives signal
Jun 17, 2015 at 06:33
Hi forex experts, im using an indicator on my MT4 platform to trade forex. The indicator works on multiple currency pairs and it will gives off signal anytime. The problem when im facing now is that whenever it trigger 2 or more signal at one time, the moment i placed my trade for the 2nd currency pair its too late. Is there any solution that can help me to trigger position automatically with correct currency pair, fixed amount? Thanks in advance.
Trigger position when indicator gives off alert
Jun 16, 2015 at 08:59
Hi forex experts, im using an indicator on my MT4 platform to trade binary options. The indicator works on multiple currency pairs and it will gives off signal anytime. The problem when im facing now is that whenever it trigger 2 or more signal at one time, the moment i placed my trade for the 2nd currency pair its too late. Is there any solution that can help me to trigger position automatically with correct currency pair, fixed amount and a fixed expiry time? Thanks in advance.
Binary Brokers
Mar 04, 2015 at 09:46
Hi, Stockpair offers a free or paid version of Binary Option Robot. Anyone use that before? Everyone on internet review are making money but im loosing. Dont know whats wrong with my setting. =(
Forex Growth Bot
Padomnieki (Expert Advisors)
Apr 25, 2012 at 06:35
Hi Gerald, dont mind me asking how do i add my EA on the expert advisor review page? Any idea? I do have a pretty good EA to introduce to everyone. I CAN SHOW YOU LIVE RESULT.
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