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Pievienoja lietotājs
Apr 17, 2014 at 08:02
My personal experience with TradersChoiceFX.com is very negative. I contacted them about their rebate webinar in October 2012. I was sent a link by Dan Antonuccio to use to open an account at Pepperstone. I did exactly as instructed and deposited over 25K. I never received a penny of rebate. I wrote to Dan Antonuccio and requested he look into it for me. He never responded. I wrote two more times requesting that he simply look into it. I have never received as much as a reply to any of my emails. Nor have I have ever received any rebate. I consider this service a scam and would never recommend...
Best traders: How to detect them?
Jan 18, 2013 at 06:12
That is worth giving you a vouch. Well said.
EA Programming Services
Dec 07, 2012 at 20:41
I just had my first project with CandleForex completed a few weeks ago, I submitted a blueprint of what I expected and they sent me back a guaranteed price. I paid 50% deposit and was told the EA would be completed in ten days. I held my breath as that has not been my experience with other programers I have used in the past. Project was completed on time. I paid the balance and EA was sent to me. The programming was clean and professional. I tested it on demo account for two weeks and was pleased with the results.By Dec. 3 I was confident enough to launch it on a 10K real account. It is pe...
Which ECN broker is best for Scalper EA’s
Jauni treideri
Oct 03, 2012 at 17:40
Mike, it took me a little while to digest your work. I knew there was something there I needed to grasp, but in my 60s I am not the brightest Crayon in the box any more. The data you collected from the once a week event when the brokers first open for the week leaves me with more questions than answers.Aside from the latency do the liquidity markets generally open that far apart from each other every week on most pairs? If so the matrix of pairs times the gaps would indicate a trader with the correct automation could make his weeks income in those first few seconds of trading without taking...
Volcker rule could hurt liquidity in FX spot market
Sep 04, 2012 at 15:22
I think a lot of it is because America today is run by Goldman Sachs. Special interests have shaped the country more than the voters.
Volcker rule could hurt liquidity in FX spot market
Sep 04, 2012 at 08:26
When it comes to greener grass I say the following in humor and without any political agenda.When I lived in the USA I was in Texas in an area that sometimes would have over 100 days in a row of 100 degree temperatures and little rain. Since moving to the Philippines I have experienced three typhoons and just a few weeks ago we had one of the worst floods in Philippines history. Over a meter of rain a day fell for four straight days and it brought Manila to a halt with flooding everywhere. I kind of missed the dry Texas plains, but . . . the grass is greener here. LOL
Volcker rule could hurt liquidity in FX spot market
Sep 02, 2012 at 08:49
The United States is not the country it used to be. I left the USA 2.5 years ago and expatriated to the Philippines. Not only had the NFA messed things up for currency traders, but they had stripped our rights to even wager on sporting events through offshore sports books.One of my reasons for moving was healthcare. I could not get health insurance in the USA because of pre-existing conditions. I couldn get it (at a very expensive rate), but all preexisting conditions would not be covered. Last December I spent a week in Saint Lukes Global City Medical Center which is a hospital I would g...
Chart of Latency Times to Most Forex Brokerages
Pieredzējuši treideri
Aug 26, 2012 at 07:57
Steve, Your points are very valid and I think you see it the same way I do except for the part about the ticks. No doubt a tick is about half a second, but ticks do not fill orders. Liquidity has to be there to fill the order with liquidity providers offering in advance X amount of liquidity at current price, x amount at the next level, x amount at the next level and on down. So as soon as one level is gone it moves to the next and then the next as so on. I think of it as 10 shelves of the same product in a store and when the top shelf is empty the price is higher on the next shelf down an...
Chart of Latency Times to Most Forex Brokerages
Pieredzējuši treideri
Aug 24, 2012 at 21:55
It is no wonder it is hard to get fills at some brokers when markets are moving fast. I stumbled onto this chart which reveals in quantifiable time how long the latency is from San Diego, New York City or the UK to nearly all major Forex brokerages. It ranges from <1ms to over 200ms which is huge when you realize it is double that because the data must move both directions. If it takes over 200ms for you to get the quote and 200ms to send the order the price has likely moved dramatically in a fast market.http://helpdesk.commercialnetworkservices.net/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&...
Which ECN broker is best for Scalper EA’s
Jauni treideri
Aug 24, 2012 at 21:43
I just noticed that for some reason they removed the link in my message from yesterday. I do not understand why. It was not commercial in any way whatsoever. It is a chart with the latency times from San Diego, New York City and the UK to nearly all of the Forex brokerages. This is important to a scalper. Some have latency times of <1ms and some are >200ms. It also tells who regulates each brokerage and several brokerages are unregulated and a couple are under scam alerts. I will post it again and I hope whoever took it down the first time looks at it before taking it dow...
Which ECN broker is best for Scalper EA’s
Jauni treideri
Aug 23, 2012 at 06:10
With regard to FXSalt Brokerage I discovered something on the following linked page that was very interesting.I was studying the latency time from the Commercial Network Services servers in NYC to most brokerages as is indicated on the chart. In addition I discovered that FXSalt is unregulated. See for yourself.When regulated companies like MF Global go belly up I do not think I could sleep well knowing I had my money in an unregulated brokerage.
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