"Xenon" System, trading with 1min Chart.

Mar 15, 2012 at 06:32
Przeglądane 10,185
149 Replies
Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 19, 2012 at 05:28
I had also changed the trade entry code over keyboard. now when I hit the related key, EA will record level that I want to enter and if it is 1/2 PIP against my level it will reject the trade.
I will test that first with 0.01 Lot.

Uczestnik z Oct 24, 2011   1 postów
Mar 19, 2012 at 07:12
Your chart looks like christmas tree.
Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 19, 2012 at 10:56
it seems complicated but when you know what is what it is easy to understand.
all those give opp. to think different ways.

mat1 posted:
Your chart looks like christmas tree.
Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 19, 2012 at 10:57
this functions well. did not reject any yet but will see soon I guess

xenon posted:
I had also changed the trade entry code over keyboard. now when I hit the related key, EA will record level that I want to enter and if it is 1/2 PIP against my level it will reject the trade.
I will test that first with 0.01 Lot.

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 19, 2012 at 10:59
Liqui indi functions well with %5 precision. which is normal. ( it is the reason of precision of gettickcount which is 15 ms )

now for me there is no time window. my trading window is the combination of
Liquidation & depth.

xenon posted:
Indicator on test.
till now what I found is relatively 1 Min Bar time is now up to 2 min. this sound weird but math never fails. I will wait until market get liquid and see how the indi react. if it reduce down to 1=1 then it is correct and usable.

average tick/bar is 8-12 which is very very slow to trade.

this was killed me on friday. But without testing and learning on demo I can not fix the issues.


xenon posted:
I had coded the liquidation level indicator.
must be tested with market action and then I will see if it can give me some information as depth indi.

xenon posted:
I have self coded market depth indicator. this works well. but the I also need to code a market liquidaiton level indicator. when market is not liquid like yesterday I must stop trading until it gets liquid. this will prevent me from freezing charts issue.
this is most probably happening on impact 5 news days. market waits until the news hours.

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 21, 2012 at 00:46
I fixed a huge list of bugs and made a lot improvments on xenon EA to make my trades & desecions faster. also added BE button.
when BE triggered EA either moving SL or TP to BE+Set value.

I just need to control myself on loosing steaks and stop trading. when I can control myself I will start live.
the ironic thing is the day I start publish account I blew 2 weeks history account with %45 monthly gain with starting a loosing stake and did not stop.

I will handle that very soon.

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 21, 2012 at 14:21

I have just moved up to 5 min chart.
wit 1 min the cost of broker is eating up the profit.
I got 3 trades and up to %8 gain then with 1 loss I move down to %2.

spread+comission is about %35 of my average target PIP.
So with moving 5 min I am planning to reduce that ratio to ~%15

Uczestnik z Jan 14, 2010   2279 postów
Mar 23, 2012 at 08:58
Well come back Steve. You should stop changing aliases as it is hard to follow 😄
I was not chackinng as had no idea you are Xenon now.
Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 23, 2012 at 15:03
xenon = somehow

just a new name.

(BTW xenon is a noble gas.)

just improving the system on 1 min chart. then will moved to 5 min chart to prevent from high comission+spread rate per trade target pıp.

I must cong. you about 2 shorts on EU and GU. they were really superb. and the PIPs are also.

keep up the good work.

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 23, 2012 at 15:09
I have read one of your posts here about channel and implement it to xenon. I did not focused on that earlier.but as far as I have tested today it is very use full.

red lines are the up channel aqua lines are the down channel. normally I would not take that trade. but with channel I did. and was a winner.

I coded EA to draw channels.

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 23, 2012 at 15:16
today I had down to -%16.60 then closed with +%4.49

difficoult day.

last trade

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 23, 2012 at 15:25
liquidation indicator works great.

basicly I count the each bar tick and if average is < 25 tick/bar I stay away. no liquidation.

combination with market depth working well.

as I post I had climb up from -%17 to +%5 which is %22 in one day after a DD.

I am handling my mental issues when on DD.

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 23, 2012 at 15:34
I will add also trailing stop option this week end. it will make huge difference I guess.
Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 23, 2012 at 16:06
better understanding how I draw channel with reinitialized clear chart.

Uczestnik z Jan 14, 2010   2279 postów
Mar 24, 2012 at 11:28
Steve, this chart shows where you EA kicks in?
I mean various trigger points?

xenon posted:
today I had down to -%16.60 then closed with +%4.49

difficoult day.

last trade

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 24, 2012 at 20:06
No. EA does not show any trigger point.
I made decision.

EA only draws TL and other necesery info and handles trades after open. 1 min chart is very fast though.

but during weekends I am also working on some patterns to code. If I can.

Chikot posted:
Steve, this chart shows where you EA kicks in?
I mean various trigger points?

xenon posted:
today I had down to -%16.60 then closed with +%4.49

difficoult day.

last trade

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 26, 2012 at 10:49
I now understand why I made huge and continious mistakes sometimes.

as you all traders know any setup for trade entry has 2 possibilities. I had tested over 1000 s of different setup by coding and BT ing and find out that any setup can be used for long or short. it depends on the time window.
what does this mean;

when I code a EA as I had said earlier I always test it also with reverse order execution. and those all work and make profit for different time windows. SO what is the difference to make desecion if it will be short or long.

the answer is time.

so basicly when market speed is under or above a certain level this timing is changing and I start making mistakes.

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 27, 2012 at 19:46
I stop trading GU & EG.
currently only EU.

GU is too noisy to me and EG is passive.

Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 27, 2012 at 19:49
today I was first up to %7 then down to -%20
after stop trading GU I am again up to -%8.

time will tell about the only EU trade results.

still trading with 1min but also working on 5 min and 15 min
Uczestnik z Mar 01, 2012   171 postów
Mar 28, 2012 at 10:32
today in 2 hours 2 of my order entry rejected by the EA due to high slippage.
I had same day earlier in Feb and those 2 days I lost a lot.

tick count is ok depth is ok but price is moving like stop - move - stop - move. no continious action. I will stay away today until it start moving normal.

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