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- Get FX SMS Signals from Twitter. Possible?
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Get FX SMS Signals from Twitter. Possible?

Uczestnik z May 02, 2012
113 postów
Jun 06, 2014 at 19:35
Uczestnik z May 02, 2012
113 postów
Hi guys,
I am looking for a free software that provides a great linkage between twitter and cell phone.
So, if i tweet @LONG EURUSD the text might appears on SMS cell phone. Is it possible?
Very important to me to do that.... personal reasons.

Uczestnik z Feb 07, 2011
691 postów
Jun 07, 2014 at 01:12
Uczestnik z Feb 07, 2011
691 postów
But why as an SMS ? If you tweet @Long EURUSD it will pitch up on your twitter client, which is on your phone already. Similarly depending on your twitter client you can create a column that looks for those tweets...

Uczestnik z May 02, 2012
113 postów
Jun 07, 2014 at 01:38
Uczestnik z May 02, 2012
113 postów
sometimes i have not an available PC and without mt4 installation, so i could use one mobile phone to see in live time where the price is following...
Uczestnik z Dec 15, 2010
784 postów
Jun 07, 2014 at 01:50
Uczestnik z Dec 15, 2010
784 postów
Lots of great smart phone apps show your account real or not.
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.

Uczestnik z Feb 07, 2011
691 postów
Jun 08, 2014 at 09:20
Uczestnik z Feb 07, 2011
691 postów
You are aware that MT is available as an app for phones?
You can also write sms's and e-mails into your EA, and send from the EA.
You can also load remote desktop apps on your phone. SMS and twitter is probably the worst option of all of them.
You can also write sms's and e-mails into your EA, and send from the EA.
You can also load remote desktop apps on your phone. SMS and twitter is probably the worst option of all of them.

Uczestnik z Feb 07, 2011
691 postów
Jun 08, 2014 at 09:22
(edytowane Jun 08, 2014 at 09:24)
Uczestnik z Feb 07, 2011
691 postów

Uczestnik z May 02, 2012
113 postów
Jun 08, 2014 at 13:39
Uczestnik z May 02, 2012
113 postów
hmm, very interesting, thanks @TheCyclist (Y)

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