Dec 12, 2019 at 15:20
Przeglądane 3,251
46 Replies
Uczestnik z Jan 02, 2019   2 postów
May 07, 2020 at 18:48
I think one time is good. If you are trading forex with mid set of get rich quick then quit now.
Uczestnik z Jan 10, 2020   36 postów
May 08, 2020 at 10:52
Well in fact, there are dozens of factors why you may blowing up.
First of all as for me it takes unforeseen situations in the market. Perhaps you opened a trade on the news, but the market went against you. Or gap for example. The second important factor, you received the wrong signal and as a result you blew up. The third factor incorrectly distributed risks and money management. In general there are a lot of factors but the main thing is you understand what was the mistake and did not make it anymore.

Good luck anyway.
Uczestnik z Feb 18, 2020   19 postów
May 08, 2020 at 13:44
Don't ask question like that. Ask "how many times blowing account before GETTING RICH". Don't think negative of yourself - all your thoughts are forming you. You are what you think of yourself. Don't risk everything you have. And if you keep blowing up your account, maybe you are doing something wrong?
Talk to other traders, analyze what they are doing right and implement that in your life.
Uczestnik z Jun 09, 2010   9 postów
May 11, 2020 at 08:57
Professional4X posted:
esierra77 posted:
Hello, Ive been trading for a couple of years, Ive done my homework, develope a consistent demo account strategy, and for some reason when I go live, I start making money, something happens and end up losing my account, its all in my head, would there be a time, when i stop making mistakes?

Focus on RISK MANAGEMENT as your #1 priority. Everything else is secondary to risk management.

The difference between a profitable trader and a losing trader is RISK MANAGEMENT.

isn't he lucky to have received this reply as the FIRST reply... there is NO need for another reply....even this one, the one I'm writing is useless...
Find a Method that works for you and stick to it!
Uczestnik z May 06, 2020   9 postów
May 11, 2020 at 11:09
yousafzai posted:
Professional4X posted:
esierra77 posted:
Hello, Ive been trading for a couple of years, Ive done my homework, develope a consistent demo account strategy, and for some reason when I go live, I start making money, something happens and end up losing my account, its all in my head, would there be a time, when i stop making mistakes?

Focus on RISK MANAGEMENT as your #1 priority. Everything else is secondary to risk management.

The difference between a profitable trader and a losing trader is RISK MANAGEMENT.

isn't he lucky to have received this reply as the FIRST reply... there is NO need for another reply....even this one, the one I'm writing is useless...

Are you being sarcastic? I thought the reply about risk management was very useful
Uczestnik z Apr 28, 2020   49 postów
May 13, 2020 at 06:48
lyoshatin posted:
If you analize your mistakes, then you will start to loss less and less. Never give up, only dont repeat your mistakes.

You are right. If we don't learn from our mistakes we would never be profitable in forex trading. Therefore, we must review our trades and see where we went wrong to avoid them in future.
Uczestnik z May 08, 2020   9 postów
May 13, 2020 at 10:25
Your account should only blow up once at most. If you do not learn from that and prevent it happening again then forex is not for you
Uczestnik z Feb 13, 2020   21 postów
May 13, 2020 at 15:47
shirtgeek posted:
Your account should only blow up once at most. If you do not learn from that and prevent it happening again then forex is not for you

Mr, Shirtgeek has a point. But you can't be sure. Sometimes some things can appear... You can't protect yourself from everything.
Uczestnik z Feb 26, 2020   5 postów
May 22, 2020 at 11:48
I have been in this business for a very long time, and I constantly need to monitor everything that happens in the world so as not to miss my chance. Use demo accounts better and believe in yourself
Uczestnik z Apr 15, 2020   77 postów
May 27, 2020 at 05:57
You can’t say for sure, you need to look at the situation.
Uczestnik z Apr 16, 2019   9 postów
May 27, 2020 at 09:45
0 times. Just use a demo account first. If you cannot make it on a demo then give up before you start on a live account
Uczestnik z May 15, 2020   18 postów
May 28, 2020 at 07:22
Marton64536t posted:
I have been in this business for a very long time, and I constantly need to monitor everything that happens in the world so as not to miss my chance. Use demo accounts better and believe in yourself

That's good! Keeping oneself updated with what's happening around the world is really helpful in forex. Good going
Uczestnik z Oct 19, 2019   35 postów
May 29, 2020 at 11:00
jordonjamesson posted:
shirtgeek posted:
Your account should only blow up once at most. If you do not learn from that and prevent it happening again then forex is not for you

Mr, Shirtgeek has a point. But you can't be sure. Sometimes some things can appear... You can't protect yourself from everything.

I agree with you. There are people I know who have blown up their account a couple of times but with time these people learnt and now they are doing pretty good. So We just need to keep practicing if we want get good at it.
Uczestnik z Jul 12, 2019   21 postów
May 30, 2020 at 14:56
I don't think there's any limitation.
You have to navigate whether you need it or not. And then you have to make the final decision.
Uczestnik z Mar 31, 2018   28 postów
Jul 01, 2020 at 19:54

I blew my account x5 times...I have lost over 40k.

I promised myself I will never ever EVER!! again blow any account

I have never ever blown my account after 4 years, so its how quickly you can figure this game out...

Money management and risk is the key to success

Uczestnik z May 24, 2020   102 postów
Jul 03, 2020 at 03:37
In each situation, you need to act differently.
Uczestnik z Oct 20, 2009   42 postów
Jul 03, 2020 at 04:49
at least learn to hedge .. :)
Uczestnik z May 21, 2014   6 postów
Jul 03, 2020 at 05:56
my on case is more than 5tims but now I am doing good never to blown any account for about 6years
Uczestnik z Apr 28, 2020   49 postów
Jul 03, 2020 at 07:52
rickyb posted:
Thomas A. Edison Quotes. I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.he invented the light bulb;his first real success was in fact too bright!!!.

That's so motivating!
Uczestnik z Jul 20, 2019   338 postów
Jul 03, 2020 at 08:57
rickyb posted:
Thomas A. Edison Quotes. I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.he invented the light bulb;his first real success was in fact too bright!!!.

That's just the best answer for this thread here, Ricky!

A successful person never gave up, only losers gave up, that's why they're called losers while the other people are called winners. A winner lost maybe 100 times before he/she was finally winning. It has nothing to do with "luck", but only with "learn and earn". Nothing more to say here.
patience is the key
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