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Risk and Forex
Uczestnik z Aug 11, 2017
870 postów
Oct 08, 2018 at 19:00
Uczestnik z Aug 11, 2017
870 postów
forex is reliable and a good source of income . However it is going to take a lot of time and work for you to make it work that way. in the Forex market , we lose as well as gain . one of the factors to consider is your Forex broker. if you haven’t chosen a broker, then you should research the Fx broker that you are interested in before signing up under them. A bad broker might cheat you.
Uczestnik z Aug 05, 2019
49 postów
Aug 09, 2019 at 07:19
Uczestnik z Aug 05, 2019
49 postów
Nobody can predict the future, the element of uncertainty always remain here. When you trade Forex, you put your money at risk in an investment strategy. But the risk can be managed with sound trading plan and one should be familiar with risk management.
Uczestnik z Aug 11, 2017
870 postów
Aug 27, 2019 at 13:24
Uczestnik z Aug 11, 2017
870 postów
no one has the capability to predict the real faction of this market with certainly . for that reason we the traders have to depend on our trading strategies that we select according to our trading experience , from all trading strategies scalping is most demand able that brings profit rapidly. but this cannot use in a regulated trading broker due to many restrictions. that’s why we the scalpers have to choose the broker which allows trading concept such as this.
Uczestnik z Aug 09, 2017
598 postów
Sep 08, 2019 at 07:44
Uczestnik z Aug 09, 2017
598 postów
only randomly trading not means casino , to bring profit from casino is also a great skill but we don't support this skill , because its not legal , trading and casino there is no different if we greedy and emotional. so, we have to controlled our bad trading habits by discipline.
Sep 08, 2019 at 11:24
Uczestnik z Jul 11, 2019
6 postów
Mohammadi posted:
forex is reliable and a good source of income . However it is going to take a lot of time and work for you to make it work that way. in the Forex market , we lose as well as gain . one of the factors to consider is your Forex broker. if you haven’t chosen a broker, then you should research the Fx broker that you are interested in before signing up under them. A bad broker might cheat you.
it is good to gain not only the broker to choose, trust to be at us to trade with a Autotrader or expert adviser which will may make you successful
Uczestnik z Aug 11, 2017
870 postów
Sep 14, 2019 at 11:17
Uczestnik z Aug 11, 2017
870 postów
In this market place, each the trader has a choice of the broker to be used, should the trader can choose a broker that is more appropriate to the concept of trading that will be used, if you love scalping should choose the broker that allows trading concept such as this.
Sep 20, 2019 at 09:31
Uczestnik z Sep 20, 2019
2 postów
Risk management is very important, I use this tool https://www.myfxbook.com/reviews/expert-advisors/risk-reward-ratio/1756629,1
Uczestnik z Aug 09, 2017
598 postów
Sep 20, 2019 at 17:38
Uczestnik z Aug 09, 2017
598 postów
success is a temporary issue , it can make everyone but who can make it consistently we can consider him as a professional guy.
Uczestnik z Aug 11, 2017
870 postów
Oct 08, 2019 at 08:20
Uczestnik z Aug 11, 2017
870 postów
which risk amount is more appropriate for new Forex trader , it depends on how much basic knowledge he acquired including practicing, if any newcomer go thorough all basic level of trading with live experience for 6 month , i think he has the capability to reduce unfortunate losses and risk.
Oct 11, 2019 at 05:33
Uczestnik z Jul 14, 2019
26 postów
Mohammadi posted:
which risk amount is more appropriate for new Forex trader , it depends on how much basic knowledge he acquired including practicing, if any newcomer go thorough all basic level of trading with live experience for 6 month , i think he has the capability to reduce unfortunate losses and risk.
2:1 risk to reward
Uczestnik z Jan 05, 2016
1097 postów
Oct 28, 2019 at 22:04
Uczestnik z Jan 05, 2016
1097 postów
willtradr posted:
There is a risk in the forex market as you can lose money if the markets go against you, but also because of this thing you can make profitable trades.
This is true in all investments.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Uczestnik z Apr 18, 2017
700 postów
Oct 30, 2019 at 07:47
Uczestnik z Apr 18, 2017
700 postów
Sven98 posted:
If the market is risky it is profitable as well.
Of course, it is! That’s the real challenge; volatile market always offers opportunities!
Uczestnik z Nov 06, 2019
45 postów
Uczestnik z Aug 09, 2017
598 postów
Nov 14, 2019 at 10:17
Uczestnik z Aug 09, 2017
598 postów
in this stock market how much we can earn our trading it depends on the markets movements. It’s not countable at all by our trading accounts. I was profitable when I started my live trading with 1K. but I did huge loss when I increased my balance in 2.5K but there was same strategies with same money management.

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