Old Account for new System Wyniki głosowania
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Old Account for new System Omówić
Uczestnik z Jul 31, 2009
1418 postów
Sep 07, 2009 at 08:47
(edytowane Sep 07, 2009 at 08:48)
Uczestnik z Jul 31, 2009
1418 postów
Unfortunately, no.
We had several requests for this feature, but the fact is that anyone will be able to abuse this feature by choosing to hide the losing periods and maximizing the account's performance.
Since we try to keep transparency at the highest level, this feature is not possible.
You can however add information for your followers about your different systems used in the account.
We had several requests for this feature, but the fact is that anyone will be able to abuse this feature by choosing to hide the losing periods and maximizing the account's performance.
Since we try to keep transparency at the highest level, this feature is not possible.
You can however add information for your followers about your different systems used in the account.

*Komercyjne wykorzystanie i spam są nieprawidłowe i mogą spowodować zamknięcie konta.
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