Aaron's " UnConventional 100% Winning " Strategies ! (Od fxtradingempire)

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Aaron's " UnConventional 100% Winning " Strategies ! Omówić

Jul 15, 2016 at 08:49
Przeglądane 919
7 Replies
Uczestnik z Sep 23, 2015   2 postów
Jul 20, 2016 at 14:00
Hi Aaron, How can I copy your trades via myfxbook, please? Looking forwards to hearing from you. Regards,
I will use many pairs in my trading for to diversify the risks.
Uczestnik z Aug 20, 2013   21 postów
Jul 21, 2016 at 05:20
Is this a EA deal?
Uczestnik z Sep 23, 2015   2 postów
Jul 22, 2016 at 07:23
No, he trades manually.
I will use many pairs in my trading for to diversify the risks.
Uczestnik z Dec 04, 2010   1447 postów
Oct 10, 2016 at 00:13
is this available as a signal?
Uczestnik z Dec 04, 2010   1447 postów
Dec 01, 2016 at 16:08
Is this thread monitored by thread owner? cheers
Uczestnik z Sep 24, 2012   3 postów
Dec 18, 2016 at 11:03
please put it up on myfxbook autotrade. More transparency needed....😀
Uczestnik z May 04, 2012   1534 postów
Dec 18, 2016 at 13:26 (edytowane Dec 18, 2016 at 13:37)
Average Monthly Profit : Max. DD ratio of 1.5 : 1 looks good.

Nevertheless, I have two major concerns with this strategy:

1. There have been only 38 trades over the past 8 months. It is not "bad" by itself, but a definite concern, as the statistical significance of 38 trades (i.e. the "'p value"") is VERY POOR. In other words - statistically speaking - the results could EASILY BE a product of "RANDOM CHANCE" and a "scientist" could not and would not make ANY conclusion out if it.

2. Open Trades and Trade History are hidden AND the account seems to be DISCONNECTED from MyFxBook on a regular bases, and probably during open trades (even though those open trades are hidden). Why would someone disconnect his/her MT4 from MyFxBook if the Open Trades and Trade History were HIDDEN anyway...??

IN GENERAL: In case of MyFxBook disconnection during open trades, MyFxBook cannot record and report REAL maximum floating drawdowns, so the REAL maximum DD value could be MUCH MUCH higher than reported.

The fact that the account's last connection to MyFxBook was 3 days ago (on a Thursday morning at 7:05 AM) means that if there was an open trade right now with a e.g. -50% DD, and eventually closing in 5% profit sometime next week, MyFxBook WILL NOT RECORD and REPORT this -50% DD, just the +5% gain when the account is reconnected to MyFxBook...

I have been a "victim" of such strategies showing very low and tolerable max. DD values, but after joining as a client, my funds were exposed to rollercoaster range DDs which were INVISIBLE for MyFxBook as the showcase account was disconnected from MyFxBook during those HUGE drawdowns.
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Uczestnik z Dec 04, 2010   1447 postów
Mar 24, 2017 at 02:45
Hasn't been updated since March 21st, so as you say DD could be a lot higher, when it's not connected for long periods of time...
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