AMCE_Managed_LOL_1 (Od forex_trader_36599)

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AMCE_Managed_LOL_1 Omówić

Dec 07, 2011 at 02:04
Przeglądane 1,091
12 Replies
Uczestnik z Nov 14, 2011   26 postów
Dec 17, 2011 at 01:59
Hi S.walker36,
Nice result pretty well done man :) congraz ~~

Stay Cool,
Help each others and make it stronger =)
Uczestnik z May 13, 2011   1329 postów
Dec 20, 2011 at 10:00

wenztan posted:
Hi S.walker36,
Nice result pretty well done man :) congraz ~~

Stay Cool,
Uczestnik z Jul 28, 2010   8 postów
Jan 05, 2012 at 13:57
hi Steve,

is this managed by guy(s)?
Uczestnik z May 13, 2011   1329 postów
Jan 05, 2012 at 14:01
no this is my AMCE MANAGED account

in reality this is a joke with self coded EA s

you should visit ACME_MANAGED account discussion and then understand why I created those accounts with attachment _LOL

Uczestnik z May 13, 2011   1329 postów
Jan 05, 2012 at 14:12
to understand why I have coded this EA and publish Read the below thread page 6 & 7,1#?pt=2&p=6&o=85946
Uczestnik z Jul 28, 2010   8 postów
Jan 05, 2012 at 16:20
ah I see now :)
I'm struggeling to find a money manager who can deal with my money resopnsibly. I would be very happy with a stable avg 5-6% a month, but everywhere I go I see ppl making and promising 50-100% a month, with huge risk. Since I'm not in a casion, I'm now fed up with this...

sorry for bothering you with this as a stranger, but as far as I can see, you have lot more experience than me. Do you think i can find someone who can trade 10-50k resopnsibly, or do you know such a money manager? Or everyone is doing gambling here?
Uczestnik z May 13, 2011   1329 postów
Jan 06, 2012 at 04:27
contact "Remus Miclea" his target is %5-%10 per month. he is here at MFB

good luck
Uczestnik z Jun 11, 2011   23 postów
Jan 06, 2012 at 12:01
But when we use option "enable profits" and "enable loss" we can make money without big dd?? I think about TP and SL in money for all 4 positions? What do you think about this idea?
Uczestnik z May 13, 2011   1329 postów
Jan 06, 2012 at 12:10
1 - the original system cant be BT ed. due it opens orders on 4 different pairs. so it must be Forward Tested.
2 - the original system is not %100 hedged. if you open same lot size with 4 different corolated pairs this does not hedge. th elot sizes must be different and must be calculated before opening orders according to the pair mean prices.

it is creating profit from the lots difference. if the system %100 hedged you can not generate profit unless one pair move trade favor for a short period of time.( spike )

it can surly generate profit but also loss. so it is the matter of if the wins will be > then the loss when forward tested??
you can find original HTH EA on forward test in my portfolio
loss disabled.

lets see what will happen

profession posted:
But when we use option "enable profits" and "enable loss" we can make money without big dd?? I think about TP and SL in money for all 4 positions? What do you think about this idea?
Uczestnik z Jun 11, 2011   23 postów
Jan 06, 2012 at 12:32 (edytowane Jan 06, 2012 at 12:34)
Thanks for your reply. Can you tell me what is your opinion about this system? Is it useful or not? Because I thought that you have added to the name of "LOL" means that the system is rubbish? Or not? What is your opinion? So far, we have a profit i Futuretest. In your Backtest also see profit? So?

Sory for my English, sometimes i have problem with understand exactly.
Uczestnik z May 13, 2011   1329 postów
Jan 06, 2012 at 12:41
I have coded 2 different system against ACME MANAGED accounts.
one day soon or late
ACME MANAGED and my 2 accounts named with _LOL will blow. you can find Back Test of my EA under my profile. but soon or late all will blow.

what can be done is lets say you have 10K of fund. you can risk %2 of it with ACME HEDGE for 6 months. if it goes ok then you make good money if it blow you loose %2 and this does not hurt. But when you start yo should put Time limit. if its 6 months you will stop after 6 months.

is that clear?

Uczestnik z Jun 11, 2011   23 postów
Jan 06, 2012 at 13:12
Yes,now i undestand, thanks. Acme system is bad becaouse dont use wide stop. Risk all profits and some part of deposit right?.

But what with the HTH system? It has option SL and TP in money. When we use this option system can make money? Without blow accout?

And why do you disable this option in your test HTH?
Uczestnik z May 13, 2011   1329 postów
Jan 06, 2012 at 13:19
if the system profitable it can make money with Hard Stop. if not then loss will be higher then the win. the forward test result will show if the original code is profitale or not. I can not comment for that now. we should wait
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